"Yeah, you keep telling me about your friends. But I don't know if I can submit to something like that."
He is an alpha-male type. I shouldn't expect him to accept my idea immediately. Submission is probably the last thing he wants to do, especially if it means submitting to me. But I let him take control of my body, willingly. He just needs a little more time to get used to the idea.
"Please, Gabriel," I say. "Do this for me."
Chapter Thirteen
Sarah wants me to become submissive, at least when it concerns what the Echo's Brain wants. After living in this world for years, I've forgotten how to be anything except hard and tough and the master of my own destiny. I don't even like that the Echo threw me into this world, since I had no choice in that. As a normal guy who was a computer programmer, I didn't have much autonomy. My bosses told me what to do.
But the Echo gave me a kind of freedom I'd never imagined I could have. That might sound weird, since the apocalypse destroyed two worlds, but it's true. Could Sarah ever understand that?
She taps my lips with her fingertip. "I can see that you're mulling over what I've said. You can tell me anything. I won't get mad or make fun of you."
I know that. But I can't help feeling uncomfortable with what she wants me to do. Sarah makes me feel things that I don't understand. Mostly good things. The strength of those feelings disturbs me. But I agreed to try this bonding thing, so I need to tell her all of that.Damn. I'd rather sit down in a fire ant mound. But I will do it, for her.
So I blow out a breath and tell her. "I have these, ah, feelings for you. Not sure what it means. When we had sex, I felt it more strongly, but I've been experiencing these feelings more and more often since the moment we met."
"I have the same kind of feelings."
"But you don't fight them, do you? That's the difference between us."
She pushes up on one elbow to gaze down at me. "Our differences can become our strength. Allison—"
"Can we please stop talking about your friends? I get that they all have supernatural bonds, but I'm not ready for that yet."
"The Echo needs us to be ready. Right now."
"Why? Everything seems relatively stable. I'd say there's no rush."
She lifts her brows. "So, you want to stay trapped inside the stronghold forever?"
If we never leave this place, I can fuck her over and over without anything interfering. But I know that's not plausible. I'd make her sore, for sure.
"Time is frozen inside the stronghold," she says. "But the rest of the Echo and the Earth might not be faring so well. We should check that out."
"Great idea. Let's order Aldith to let us out of here."
Sarah drops her head and moans. "Honestly, Gabriel, that's not helpful. We can't leave until the Echo lets us, and it wants us to seal our emotional bond. You're the one holding things up with your stubbornness."
"I admitted I like you and have strong feelings for you. What more do you want?"
The most beautiful woman I've ever seen sits up, growls, and smacks my chest—hard. "Do I need to tie you up to make you comply?"
She wants to dominate me? Not sure how I feel about that. I trust her, so maybe it wouldn't be a horrible thing. But she was probably joking. I should make sure, though.
"Are you seriously suggesting that you want to dominate me?" I ask. "Because, no offense, but you aren't strong enough to do that. I would kick your ass in three seconds flat."
"Kick my ass?" She wags a finger at me. "That's not the way to cement a bond, Gabriel. But yes, I think you need to experience being submissive, so you can give yourself over to our deep, supernatural connection."
A strange tingle of excitement raises the hairs on my arms and at my nape. Maybe her suggestion does arouse me, but I know I can't do what she wants. Not yet. And I need to explain to her why that is.
"I'm sorry, Sarah," I tell her. "I just can't do that, not yet. It isn't because I don't want to. But you have no idea what my life was like inside the Echo for all those years. Showing weakness will get you killed. I got used to always acting like an asshole because anything less would be a cue for the Echo creatures—the bad ones—to attack."
She leans over and kisses me, though it's only the barest brush of her lips on mine. "I understand that. And maybe you don't need to fully give in to the Echo's Brain. It might be enough right now for you to accept that we have a powerful connection. Do you think you can do that?"
"I can try." Though I'd love to say I would do anything for her, I won't lie. When it comes to protecting her at any cost, I'll do that without hesitation. But the touchy-feely stuff is a lot harder for me to embrace.