Page 32 of Echo Unbound

A large metal-and flesh hand clamps onto the windowsill, and Jarek's head rises into view.

Did he jump up here? Guess it doesn't really matter how he got here as long as he can answer our questions. Since it's yes or no answers only with the golem, this could take a while.

Aldith pats Jarek's head. "Thank you for coming. We need your assistance, if you're able and willing to help."

The golem nods.

"Go on, Gabriel," Aldith says. "You and Sarah may ask Jarek whatever questions you like."

"Okay." I approach the window and gaze at Jarek's enormous face. "A flying creature brought us into the Echo. Were you working with that beast?"

Jarek shakes his head.

I'm surprisingly glad to hear that. I've only met Jarek a few times, but the golem always seemed like a good, uh, guy. Not sure what else to call a creature like him. So I'll stick with "guy." It sounds weird, though.

"Do you know who sent that creature?" I ask.

Jarek shrugs.

What does that mean? I need to rephrase my question. "Are you saying you aren't sure whether you know who did it?"

The golem nods.

Great. Ambivalence is really helpful. "Do you have any idea why the lightning keeps coming for Sarah?"

Jarek shakes his head.

"Well, thank you for answering my questions." I look at Sarah. "Did you want to ask him anything?"

"I can't think of anything." She bites her lip, her brows furrowed, then leans out the window. "Jarek, why did you bring us to the stronghold?"

"That's not a yes or no question," I point out. "He can't speak. You need to keep it simple so he can respond."

Jarek lifts one finger and points it toward Aldith.

Interesting. I nudge Sarah out of the way and lean out the window. "Are you saying Aldith knows why you brought us here?"

He nods. His arms have begun to tremble slightly, which seems like a sign he can't hold on to the window for much longer.

"Okay," I say. "You can go now, Jarek. Thanks for the help."

The golem lets go of the sill and drops down through the clouds, out of sight.

"Well, that was a waste of time," I mumble.

"No, it wasn't," Sarah says. "At least now we know Jarek didn't conspire with an Echo creature to abduct us."

"And he will help if you need him," Aldith says. "Jarek always wants to help those who deserve to be helped."

Sarah deserves it. Still not sure I do.

"Why does Jarek think you know why he brought us to the stronghold?" I ask. "You claimed you didn't summon us here."

"I did not. But Jarek must believe I will come to understand why he brought you here. I need to think about that. Despite what you may think, I don't have special powers of perception."

A yawn overtakes me, and I rub my hands over my face.

"How much did you sleep last night?" Sarah asks.