"Just occurred to me."
Gabriel studies me for a moment. "That would make sense, I guess."
That's probably the best admission I'll get. He's telling me I'm right without actually saying it.
Of course, I don't know if I am right. Not yet.
He clears his throat. "So, uh, how do we seal our emotional bond?"
"I don't know."
"Of course not." He stands up and offers me his hands. "Come on. We can't do it sitting down."
"How do you know that?"
"Because I just decided it's true." He flaps his hand at me. "Get up, Sarah."
I accept his hand in getting up. "Now what?"
He stares at me. "How should I know? This was your idea."
Of course he expects me to come up with a plan. Well, I think I've got one. I doubt he'll like it, but that's what he gets for making me take charge.
I grasp his hand, then guide him into the bedroom where we'd had sex earlier. "Lie down."
"You said this wouldn't be about sex."
"That's right. But do what I say." I point at the bed. "Lie down, Gabriel. Right now."
I'm really starting to like being bossy, especially when I get to boss him around.
Gabriel lies down on the bed.
And I lie down beside him, rolling onto my side so I'm tucked against him. I lay my head on his chest and slip my hand into his, threading our fingers. "Do you like me?"
"Sure. You're okay."
"Gee, thanks. I got a warm glow all over when you said that."
"I'm a guy. We don't get mushy about this stuff."
"That's the best you can do? Telling me I'm okay?"
He fidgets and screws up his mouth. "I never had a family or friends. You know that."
"Are you saying you don't know how to give affection because you never received it?"
"Uh, yeah, I guess."
I snuggle up to him even more. "I like you, Gabriel, a lot. And I've given up on worrying about the fact that we met yesterday. You make me feel safe and strong and fulfilled. Being with you has changed my life. I'm not just the amnesia girl who needed strangers to give her a name. I'm part of something more, something vital and scary and undeniable."
"What is that something?"
"Us. The two halves of the Brain. But it's more than that too. If you can stop fighting it, I think we could become one with each other and the Brain."
He smirks. "Are you suggesting we should merge bodies, like in some goofy movie?"
"No, I'm suggesting we could merge spiritually and emotionally. Dax and Allison have a supernatural bond. So do Erin and Grant. It's not unprecedented."