Page 51 of Lachlan in a Kilt

I sweep her up in my arms and lay her down on her back, flat on the mattress with the pillow tucked under her head. Then I slither up her body until my erection is trapped between us. My mouth hovers a hair's breadth from her ear. "Time to break new ground."

"Three times in one night?" She rakes her tongue up my throat to that tender spot just under my jaw. "Are you sure you're up for this, an old man like you?"

"Ye won't be asking me that again." I rock my hips, grinding my cock into her. She gasps, and I murmur into her ear, "I'm up for it, lass."

For the next hour, I prove that.

Once we're done, I have no energy left to do anything except go to sleep with Erica curled up against me, her sweet body snuggled under my arm. Memories of everything we'd done earlier whisper through my mind as I drift down toward the oblivion of slumber.

"Gotta pee."

Erica's half-whispered statement barely registers in my mind since I'm on the edge of sleep, and all I can manage to do is mumble wordlessly. A few seconds later—or maybe it's been hours, I don't know—a mobile rings, loud enough to rouse me. I yawn and roll over, throwing a hand out to the bedside table and feeling around for the device that woke me with its incessant ringing. I push up into a sitting position, braced with one arm, and blindly fumble around for the mobile, but it's not on the table. I blink several times, trying to make sense of my surroundings.

The ringing sounds farther away than this room.

Still groggy from sleep, I stumble down the hallway and into the living room, where the sound seems to originate. Did I leave my mobile out here? Damned if I can remember. Rubbing my eyes, I finally spot the offending device on the table by the sofa and grab it. Yawning again, I swipe the screen.

"Hello?" I say to the caller.

"Do I have the wrong number?" a woman asks. "I'm trying to call Erica Teague."

Mhac na galla. I've answered Erica's mobile by mistake, and I doubt she'll be happy with me for this. But since I have answered, I might as well find out who's ringing her.

"Aye, you've got the right number," I say. "But Erica is in the bog at the moment."

"What did you say, dear? The bog? Why is my daughter in a swamp?"

"Ah, sorry, no. I meant the bathroom."

"Oh, I see. You're Scottish, aren't you?"

"Yes, and we sometimes call the bathroom the bog." I start down the hallway, aiming for the bedroom. "Didn't mean to confuse you."

"That's all right, dear. You must know Erica very well, since you answered her phone."

"Ah…" Though she seems quite nice, I don't know who this woman is, so I probably shouldn't reveal too much. Aye, and I shouldn't have answered Erica's mobile either, should I? "Erica and I met recently. I'm staying in the house next door to hers while Gil Friedman is away."

"Funny she hasn't mentioned you." The woman pauses, then clears her throat. "I'm Deb Teague, by the way, Erica's mother. Who are you?"

I veer into the bedroom, now fully awake. "Lachlan MacTaggart. I'm, ah, Erica's friend."

"Casual acquaintance who only wants to fuck her" is more appropriate, but I can't say that to Erica's mother. What can I tell her? Nothing personal, that's for dead certain.

"So, you really are Scottish, right?"

Does she think I'm faking my accent? "Aye. My family lives in the Highlands, but I've been living mainly in Edinburgh."

"Are you married, Lachlan?"

Leave it to a mother to ask that question thirty seconds after I introduced myself. "Divorced. Erica and I are not dating."

What sort of bleeding moron have I become? Telling a mother I'm "not dating" her daughter will lead to more questions I can't answer. Well, it's more that Ishouldn'tanswer.

I drop my erse onto the bed and rest my elbows on my knees.

"Are you spending a lot of time with Erica?" Deb asks.

"I suppose so."