I just stifle a snort of laughter. "We don't have royalty or aristocracy in America. Status and titles aren't important to me. I love Ben for who he is, not how much money and power he might have."
"He has no power at the moment, since he has not ascended the throne yet. And his allowance has been withheld indefinitely."
"Because you're punishing him for wanting to decide for himself how to live his life."
She steeples her fingers under her chin while keeping her elbows on the chair's arms. "I can already tell you are not a wallflower. You have strength of spirit."
"Uh, thank you." Was that a compliment or some kind of sneaky dig? I can't tell for sure. This woman hasn't given me any clues to help me deduce what her goal is. Does she want to chase me away? Or size me up? Maybe both.
"Tell me how you met Bennett," Olivia says.
So I tell her, though I leave out the part where Ben and I gave each other orgasms on the sofa bed. I think her face might turn crimson and steam might erupt from her ears if I share that tidbit. Once I've finished the story, Olivia just keeps watching me.
Her bodyguard-slash-chauffeur, Brakefield, has been standing near the kitchen island the whole time. He must've overheard everything we said, but he wears a stony expression and gazes out the windows instead of looking at us.
"Thank you for keeping Bennett safe," Olivia says at last.
"Anybody would've done the same thing."
"Even so, what you did was brave."
I feel a strange urge to hunch my shoulders, like I'm embarrassed or something. Maybe her compliment does make me feel that way, just a touch. I don't think it was brave to rescue Ben. I wasn't in any danger.
Olivia sits forward and clears her throat. "I can tell you're quite fond of Ben, and he cares for you too. That means I should get to know you. But this house is not large enough to accommodate all of us."
"What are you saying?"
"Come back to Mithoria with us. Spend Christmas there. Your family is, of course, welcome to come along."
Am I hallucinating? Did a princess just invite me to spend the holidays in her country? I need a little clarification on that offer. "Where exactly would my family and I stay?"
Her mouth relaxes, though she doesn't quite smile. "In the castle, dear. Though for the sake of appearances, you and Bennett should sleep in separate rooms."
She didn't order me not to have sex with him. And I'd bet Ben knows how to sneak me into his bedroom. He told me he's never had a girl in his room back in Mithoria, but he did escape from the castle. He must know secret routes inside the building.
Am I seriously considering accepting her offer? I did say I would do anything for Ben. And I meant it.
"Let's do it," I say. "Let's go to Mithoria. It would be great to see where Ben comes from and to meet the rest of your family."
Princess Olivia stops blinking. Her gaze remains locked on me, but her lips fall open a tiny bit, just enough to convey the fact she clearly did not expect me to agree to her proposal. But she reasserts her royal demeanor within a few seconds. "I'm pleased that you have agreed, and I'm sure Bennett will be pleased as well. You should see Mithoria, and see how we live, before you become too deeply involved with my son."
Too late for that. I'm all in right now.
"I appreciate your invitation," I say. "And I'm excited to visit Mithoria. But before we go there, maybe I could show you my world. New Hampshire is beautiful, and the people are so nice."
"How long would you like me to remain here?"
"A couple of days ought to do it."
She purses her lips faintly, gazing out the window. Then she looks straight at me. "All right. I will remain here for two days and experience New Hampshire."
Despite the fact she speaks the name of this state like it feels uncomfortable on her tongue, I think she honestly wants to explore this area. Ben seems to like it here, so I'm sure his mom wants to understand why. I've known Olivia Montague for maybe twenty minutes, but somehow I can tell that about her.
Besides, I have a new mantra—anything for Ben.
Princess Olivia glances over her shoulder at the stoic man beside the island. "Brakefield, please fetch my son."
"Allow me," I say. Then I twist around to holler toward the hallway, "Ben! You can come back out here."