Page 34 of One Hot Christmas

Water splashes up, making her laugh.

"Never done this in the water before," I say. "How should we proceed?"

"Proceed?" She laughs again. "You are so cute when you talk that way. Proceed to fuck me, that's how you do it."

"Right. Sorry."

"Do all Brits say 'sorry' every other word?"

"I think so. Haven't met all the other Brits, though, so I can't swear to that."

"You can't? Darn, I was planning to make you put one hand on a sex manual and raise your other hand to swear on the god of orgasms that all Brits use that word every three seconds."

It's my turn to laugh. "What does sex have to do with saying 'sorry'?"

"Nothing." She crooks a finger at me. "Get over here, Bennett Worthington Montague, and shag me like there's no tomorrow."

"There had better be a tomorrow, because I've got plans for all the things I want to do to your body from now until Christmas."

"Get on with it, then. Sheesh. You're jabbering instead of screwing me."


Naturally, she laughs yet again. Because I said that word she thinks is so cute and hilarious.

I grab a condom and tear open the pack, but I run into a slight problem with getting it on my cock. This is the first time I've ever tried to shag a woman in a hot tub and the first time I've tried to put on a condom underwater. Turns out that's not so easy. The bloody jets keep pulling the condom out of my fingers, and the ruddy thing floats to the surface.

Sam is giggling now. She's the adorable one, with her cheeks dimpled and her eyes sparkling.

I give up and hoist myself onto the ledge with my arse balanced on it and finally get the damn condom on.

"Are you ready now?" Sam asks, while clearly trying not to smirk or laugh at me.

"Yes, I am ready." I slide off the ledge into the water, without splashing this time. "Time for hot tub sex."

"Ooh, yes please."

I pull her into my arms and kiss her, running my hands up and down her back while our tongues collide and her breasts get mashed between our bodies. Sam makes the sexiest little grunting noises while we devour each other, and when she grasps my arse, I groan into her mouth. She pushes her other hand into my hair, tunneling her fingers through it while she spreads her legs for me.

With my mouth still sealed over hers, I grasp her hips and pull her toward me while I thrust into her. Or I try to. But the motion of our bodies makes the water move too, and I have trouble, ah, hitting the target. So I back her up to the tub's wall, and grasp her hips again. But this time, I don't try to pull her into me. I thrust into her in one swift stroke, pinning her to the tub and sinking in deep as the warmth of her body surrounds my cock. She's hotter than the water, and the way her flesh conforms to my length feels so good that I never want to give up the sensation, even while I pull back and thrust into her again, starting a slow and steady rhythm.

Sam throws her head back and moans. "Oh God, Ben, I love to feel you inside me."

"I love it too." While the water bubbles and splashes around us, I grip the tub's rim at either side of her and thrust even harder, my pace quickening with every stroke. "Fucking you feels better than anything."

A surprised cry bursts out of her when I begin to pound into her, crushing her body to the tub wall and making little tidal waves crash over us and spill over the rim. I don't care that we're making a mess on the porch. It's only water, and she's got ice melt on hand.

Can't believe I'm thinking about that right now.

"Wrap your legs around me," I say, though I can barely speak and my voice sounds as rough as sandpaper.

She doesn't hesitate. Sam lashes her thighs around my hips and wraps her arms around my neck.

I stand up. Water sluices off our bodies while only my calves and knees are still submerged. I grasp her arse with both hands and start thrusting again. Sam bounces in my arms, her tits bouncing too, and clings to me while she buries her face against my neck and cries out every time I punch into her. No more sweet and gentle Bennett Montague. I lunge into her over and over, hard and fast, grunting and gasping as the sounds of our bodies colliding fill the air and echo off the trees.

She comes first, her body clenching me so many times that I can't stop myself from going off too. A sensation like electricity rockets down my spine and straight into my cock, setting off an unstoppable volley of spasms that rips through me so fast I can't breathe.

Then it's over. We're both panting while she still grips me with her arms and legs and I keep hold of her arse. Breathing isn't possible right now. I manage to gasp, but it takes a moment before I can achieve anything resembling normal respiration.