Page 44 of One Hot Escape

Maddie claims I sound like my mates, which is bollocks. But it makes me wonder, or maybe this is worry I'm feeling. What will she think when she meets Nick?

Chapter Nineteen


I get dressed, then I sprawl on the bed and call Rika. She's in the UK, so the time difference means it's afternoon over there. I know I shouldn't have ignored all her texts, but I had other things on my mind. Well, one other thing. Richard Hunter has taken my mind off everything else for more than a week, and though it's been bliss, I can't avoid real life forever.

"What have you been doing?" Rika asks as soon as she picks up, not even waiting for me to say hello. "Please tell me you've ignored my calls and texts because you're having a steamy fling with a guy you met at the resort."

"Like you don't already know the answer to that. You and Dane conspired to commit felony matchmaking. I should have you both arrested."

"Did you hook up with Richard Hunter? Dane didn't believe our plan would work, but I told him to have faith in the power of destiny."

"What a load of bullshit. Destiny? You and your husband maneuvered me into a Caribbean vacation because you knew Richard would be here."

"Sure, we did that. But we couldn't make you fall for him."

I make a rude noise. "Who says I'm falling for him? I met Rick last week."

"Rick?" My sister now sounds way too pleased with herself. "He only lets people call him that if he really likes them. We might've steered you two into each other's orbits, but we couldn't manufacture chemistry."

"I like Richard. That's all."

"Have you slept with him?"

"None of your business, Rika."

"Oh, you must have it bad." She pauses, then adds in a sneaky tone, "Should I start planning the wedding?"

"You are so annoying. Do I ask if you're sleeping with Dane?"

My sister laughs. "I'm married to him. Of course we have sex. But you and Richard Hunter…"

"Are not soul mates or whatever unscientific hooey you're thinking of. We're getting to know each other, period. Donotstart planning the wedding."

"If it was love at first sight, you'd deny it. For once, please don't get all scientific. Let yourself be free."

"No more talking about Richard. Okay? Tell me what you've been up to."

Rika tells me more about the Dixon boys and their cousin Grey, not to mention Grey's brother Alex, and then she recounts their recent adventures. I've met all those guys, but Rika knows the details I've missed out on. Chance, Dane, and Reese have known their cousin Grey all their lives, but Alex Thorne is new to the family—though like I told Rick, Alex isn't technically their family. They've decided he's their cousin anyway, despite the fact he's not a blood relation. After my brief discussion with Rick about that issue, I realize he's right that blood isn't everything. Feelings can't be quantified or explained by the scientific method. I've learned that lesson since I met Richard Hunter. Sometimes you have to do what feels right, even if it makes no sense. The heart has its own logic.

I listen while Rika goes on and on about Dane—how sweet he is, how brilliant he is, what an amazing lover he is, et cetera. Thankfully, she keeps the sex details to herself. I don't mind hearing all that stuff. I love my sister, and knowing she found the right guy makes me happy too.

"Don't get all analytical about it," Rika says when she finally stops gushing about Dane.

"Analytical about what?"

"Your feelings for Richard." She speaks slowly like I'm a child who won't understand otherwise. "You like him. Don't overthink it."

"Fine, I promise not to think too much." Or at all. Whenever I'm with Rick, I don't use my brain much. My libido takes control. But lately, another part of me vies for control too—my heart, which I plan to follow no matter how crazy its advice is.

"Just think," Rika says, "you might wind up married to a multimillionaire."

"What are you talking about?"

"Richard. He's got millions in the bank. Everybody knows that."

"Not me. I mean, I figured he had money, but not multimillions." Holy moly, that's a lot of zeroes on his bank statement. "Doesn't matter to me. I like him because he's a good man, not because he's stinking rich. And in case you plugged your ears when I said it before, do not start planning the wedding."