Page 36 of One Hot Escape

Will I ever smell that again once I go back to work? I doubt I'll ever feel as relaxed and happy as I do today, here with Rick in this tropical paradise.

When Dexter spots us, he smiles. "Good morning, young lovers. Did you sleep well?"

Rick's brows lift slightly. "Young lovers? That might apply to Maddie, but I'm far from young."

"You're not old," I say. "Fortyisyoung."

"That's right," Dexter says. "Forty is the new twenty, haven't you heard? Middle age isn't until you're at least seventy."

I wonder how old Dexter is, but I would never ask him. That would be disrespectful. Instead, I say, "Thank you for letting us stay the night in your beautiful home, and for giving us a wonderful breakfast. You are a gracious and charming host, Dex."

"And you are a beautiful and enchanting guest, Madeleine." Dexter gets to his feet, stretching and groaning like it feels so good. "You two should explore the island today. Relax on the beach. Or better yet, make love on the beach."

Rick's mouth drops open, but he just stares at Dex.

Since he seems incapable of speaking, I tell our host, "We were planning to go back to the resort."

"Nonsense," Dexter says. "You'll have a much better time here. More privacy too."

"That's generous, but we don't want to impose."

"It's not an imposition. I'm enjoying having you two here to breathe new life into this old house." He points at himself. "And this old bloke."

I glance at Rick. "What do you think? There is a nice, secluded beach."

"We don't have swimsuits. Or any normal clothing."

"Tosh," Dex announces. "I have a collection of fresh new clothing on hand for my guests, including swimwear. Ilsa can show you. And besides, you can always swim in the nude."

Richard makes a noise, but it's not a word. It sounds like a gasp that he tried to swallow.

I hook my arm under his. "Just think, we could go snorkeling without anybody bothering us."

Dexter's expression brightens. "Snorkeling? I have the best beach in the Caribbean, with a pristine coral reef and more varieties of fish than you can count. I've owned this island for thirty years, and I've hired the best people to ensure the environment is protected. You won't have a better experience anywhere else."

"Let's stay," I tell Rick.

"All right," he agrees. "A private island does sound more appealing than a crowded resort."

"Definitely." I switch to a whisper that only Rick will hear. "After we have our fun, I'll read Dex's book. Then we can talk about it—and talk to him. Okay?"

He nods.

"A secret conversation?" Dexter says. "How titillating. By the way, I'll be popping over to Elusion Island for a video chat with my grandchildren. We don't have internet here since I don't like using it. You may have noticed there is a cellular signal, but it's not strong enough to do that online rubbish. There is satellite telly, of course, though only in my bedroom and only so I can watch cricket matches. Am I prattling on like an old fool? So sorry."

"Don't apologize," I say. "If babbling is a crime, I'm guilty too."

"You are such a love, Maddie." He grimaces. "I hope my little darlings haven't invited their grandmother to participate in the chat. My ex-wife loves to commandeer the webcam after the children leave and chastise me for all my old sins."

"I'm sure you can handle that, Dex."

Our host smiles and ambles into the house.

"Should we take Dexter's suggestion and swim naked?" I ask. "I've never gone skinny dipping. Have you?"

"No, I never had the chance."

"Let's do it, then. But first, we probably should grab different clothes and some towels."