Page 46 of One Hot Roomie

Mr. Pesti glances at me---not my face, but down much lower where I'm still swinging free. He coughs and swerves his attention away. "Sorry we interrupted. Let's get back out on the dance floor, hey Tally?"

Arden's mother nods to her husband. "Oh yes, I'd love another dance with that hunky Dane."

For bizarre reasons I'm certain even she doesn't understand, Arden announces, "Reese is way hunkier than Dane and a better dancer."

"I'm sure he is," Tally Pesti says, winking at me.

Arden's parents leave the coat room.

She kneels in front of me again, stubbornly determined to finish what she started. The interruption from her parents has left me much limper than before they threw the door open.

I cup Arden's face in one hand. "Let's get back to this later, when we're alone in our room. I want to teach you more of my favorite things."

"And then you'll tell me how you like to be given a blow job?"

She looks so earnestly concerned about understanding what I like that I can't help dropping to my knees and kissing her, with only my lips. Anything deeper and I'll give in to her request right here in the coat room.

I rest my forehead against hers. "Yes, I'll tell you everything you want to know. Later."

Her smile, so bright and excited, makes my heart swell.

When I lead her back out into the reception hall, I glance around and spot Arden's parents dancing, smiling and laughing while they glide across the floor. Next, I see Chance and Elena dancing. She has her head on his shoulder, and he leans his head against hers while his eyes drift shut. His smile is the picture of contentment, and I wonder if I ever look that way when I'm with Arden.

I notice Dane and Celeste having a lively conversation at the periphery of the dance floor. They're not dancing, so I get curious about what they're discussing and decide to drag Arden over there. Is Celeste flirting shamelessly with my brother? I know her flirtations are only that, nothing more. Her husband is doing something that vaguely resembles the moonwalk with the girlfriend of one of Chance's mates. Celeste keeps glancing at her husband, her smile broadening every time she sees his strange dance moves.

Arden's family is full of nutters, I decide, but they're the friendliest, most lovable bunch of nutters I've ever met. They're clever too, a fact that most people probably overlook. Celeste is a billionaire, after all, and her husband serves as her chief operating officer.

We reach Celeste and Dane in the middle of their conversation.

"It's intriguing," Dane says, "but I'm used to running the business all on my own."

"And I don't want to change that. Think of me as your mentor and silent partner."

"What are you guys talking about?" Arden asks, her gaze flitting between her grandmother and my brother.

Celeste touches Arden's arm. "I'm propositioning Dane."

My brother opens his mouth two seconds before he manages to speak. "She means a business proposition. I've been telling Celeste about my company."

"Grams," Arden says, "you own a cosmetics company. Dane makes vibrators."

My brother clears his throat. "Sexual wellness devices."

Celeste makes a dismissive hand gesture aimed at Arden. "I know all about that. What do you think we've been chatting about? I've already expanded into perfume and jewelry. This is the next step in the evolution of Bonsoir. Our corporate motto is 'be your best after dark,' which ties in nicely with what Dane's company does."

Arden still seems confused. I'm right there with her. Cosmetics and vibrators? I have a sudden vision of women putting on makeup, spritzing on perfume, and grabbing their sex toys. Yes, it's important to look and smell your best when you're having a wank.

"You seem dubious," Celeste says to me. "Don't you want your brother to succeed? I can make him an instant billionaire."

I laugh, assuming she's not serious.

No one else is laughing.

"Wasn't that a joke?" I say. "Nobody becomes a billionaire overnight."

"Dane will," Celeste says. "With my help and the power of the Bonsoir brand behind him."

Christ, she means it. My brother, an instant billionaire? I can't decide whether to be happy for him or terrified of what Celeste will do to launch his company into the stratosphere.