Page 40 of One Hot Chance

Raisa points at the door. "Get out. Both of you. Any personal effects you've left here will be sent to you."

Did her voice quiver the teeniest bit? I search her face and realize her lips are trembling too, barely enough to notice. When I glance at the trash can beside her desk, I see a bunch of balled-up tissues inside it.

Maybe her anger is an act, or a cover for the fact she finally understands Chance will never take her back. I hope that's the case, because if it is, she might get over the initial shock and decide not to ruin our lives after all.

Chance stares at her for a moment, then tosses the photo onto her desk, takes my hand, and leads me out of the building. I tell him he can stay at my apartment for as long as he needs, but he says he has "things to take care of" and leaves as soon as he's dropped me off at my place. His bags are waiting by the kitchen bar. The hotel must have sent them over right after we left the suite, and Kyle must've accepted the delivery.

My brother has gone to work, so I'm alone in the apartment.

In a numb haze, I change into sweats and eat ice cream straight from the container while watching soap operas. I've never watched a soap in my life, and I have no idea what's going on in the complicated stories. It doesn't matter. I'm not paying attention to the TV.

Am I really blacklisted?

The only thing I can do is wait for Chance and hope everything works out the way he swore it would last night.

Chapter Fifteen


When I get back to the office, the one I was fired from by my ex-wife, Raisa has already left for court. Security won't let me into the office, anyway. I walk back to where I parked the car I hired after leaving Elena and sit there trying to figure out what to do next. I need to talk to Raisa, but she might be in court for hours with her latest divorce case. As much as I want to go back to Elena, I'd planned to have everything sorted first.

Since I can't think of anything else, I decide to get started on my plans for the future. I hope my future includes Elena, but I can't be sure of anything today. Elena is kind and compassionate, the sort who never wants to hurt anyone, even the woman who made her work life miserable. I know Elena admires Raisa professionally, but I think on some level she feels sorry for my ex-wife.

It's all my fault. I should never have come back here.

But if I hadn't, I would never have met Elena.

Though I make a few calls, my plans aren't sorted quite yet, and I finally realize I should go back to Elena's apartment. All my things are there, and I need a place to relax---or try to---so I can figure out what the hell I can do to stop Raisa from ruining Elena's career.

The drive from the office seems to take forever.

I have to park two blocks away from Elena's apartment building, and by the time I knock on her door, I'm in need of a lie-down. Two blocks isn't far to walk, but this day has already taken its toll on me. I can't imagine how Elena feels, but at least I'll be here to support her.

She opens the door and throws her arms around me. "I'm so glad you're back."

A relief so intense it makes me feel weak rushes through me. How can I miss Elena so much after ninety minutes away from her? It seems ridiculous, but I did miss her very much. Maybe it's the stress of our confrontation with Raisa, or guilt over not doing what Elena had wanted and telling Raisa about our relationship sooner. Or maybe it's just Elena. Her smile. The way her hair smells. The feel of her body pressed to mine.

"Come on," she says, taking my hand and leading me into the apartment. "You look like you need booze and a comfy sofa."

"I do. But isn't it rather early for a drink?"

"Not today it isn't."

While I take a seat on the sofa, she gets two glasses and a bottle of brandy from the kitchen. Elena pours our drinks and leaves the bottle on the coffee table. I relax into the overstuffed cushions, rest my feet on the table, and lay my arm across the sofa's back. Elena snuggles up under my arm. The tension inside me disintegrates before I even take my first sip of brandy.

After my second sip, I say, "Don't worry about Raisa. I'll talk to her later and convince her not to blacklist you. She's angry. Once she calms down, she'll see reason. Arguing with a judge always makes her feel better, so I'm sure she'll be in a more reasonable mood after court today."

"I hope so." Elena swirls the liquor in her glass, staring down at it, but doesn't drink. "Otherwise, my career is toast. If the legendary Raisa Volkov wants you gone, you'll disappear from the New York legal scene for good."

"She's not the queen of New York law." I set my glass on the table beside the sofa. "If you want to stay in New York, I understand. But there is another option."

"Yeah, I can move to Greenland."

"That won't be necessary." I curl my finger under her chin and urge her to look at me. When her eyes roll up to focus on me, for a moment I can't speak. She's so beautiful, so sweet, so clever and brave and wonderful. "Come work with me, Elena."

She blinks several times, her eyes large. "I don't understand. You're unemployed too."

"I'm going to start my own practice. There's a lovely little town in New Hampshire where the only attorney within fifty miles is retiring. I met that attorney, Garth Leonard, at a conference a few months ago. We got to talking, and he asked if I'd like to take over his practice." I tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. "I spoke to him this morning. He's retiring in two weeks, and I'd like to accept his offer."