Oh yes, I wanted that. But my voice wouldn't work, so I gave my consent the only way I could. I closed my eyes and pressed my mouth to his. Damian's lips were soft and warm, and I couldn't stop myself from moaning with pleasure. He kissed me back, tugging me closer with the arm he'd draped around me. I laid a hand on his shoulder, sliding it up to his neck, and moaned even more deeply when he slipped his tongue between my lips. Heat rushed through me from head to toe, settling in my lower belly, igniting a fire between my thighs. He explored my mouth with leisurely strokes of his tongue while I thrust my hand into his hair to pull his head even closer.

No one had ever kissed me like Damian did, like he had endless lifetimes to spend doing nothing but kissing me.

When he pulled away, he was breathing harder, like he couldn't catch his breath either. "As much as I'd love to keep kissing you…"

"Guests need you. It's fine. I'm fine, promise." After that kiss, yeah, I felt fantastic. "Go do your horse whisperer thing."

"I don't whisper to them." He slid off the bed and winked. "Don't need to. I've got Ludar magic, remember?"

Oh, he definitely had some kind of magical powers, at least when he kissed.

Damian walked out the door.

And I listened to the music he'd given me, but I didn't need songs to lift my spirits anymore. Making out with Damian had erased all my worries.

But I still wouldn't sleep with him. We shared one hot moment, that was all. My Damian cravings would be gone now, for sure. One hundred percent gone.

Until I saw him again, at least.

Chapter Six


Heidi kissed me. Sure, I had suggested it, but I expected her to remind me again that she's celibate and there would be no dating or sex. Instead, she kissed me. Damn, I'd loved kissing her. I hadn't meant to do it, hadn't meant to say I wanted to do it, but our conversation had made me feel the need to comfort her. And that somehow turned into a lip-lock.

Not that I was complaining. No way. Feeling her lips on mine, tasting her… That had made me crave Heidi even more.

I managed to focus on my job for the rest of the day, but once I clocked out, the urge to find Heidi and kiss her again got stronger. Okay, I didn't actually clock out since we didn't have time cards or even strictly set hours. But anyway, I was done for the day. And I needed to see Heidi.

The dining hall was packed, as usual, full of naturists enjoying the buffet and conversation. All those voices chattering away might've made the dining hall a noisy place, but people who loved to go nude could be surprisingly polite. Out in the wider world, most people weren't that thoughtful. Another reason I loved it here.

I spotted Heidi sitting at a table near the back with Ollie, Mara, Eve, and Val. I would've expected Heidi to hang out with her girlfriends, but she surprised me again. I noticed an empty chair at the employees table where the five of them sat. They weren't eating, didn't even have plates yet. Were they waiting for me? Was Heidi waiting for me?

Yeah, suddenly I'd become a girl, worrying about whether my crush had a crush on me too.

Ollie saw me and waved, urging me to go over there.

I jogged across the dining hall and sat down beside Heidi. Had she saved this chair for me? Christ, I really had become a girl.

"Hey, guys," I said to the others. Then I glanced at the sexy woman sitting beside me. "Hey, Heidi. How was your afternoon?"

"Good. How was yours?"

"Fine." What a nice awkward conversation we were having. I never felt weird around a girl after I kissed her. I never got nervous around girls either. The awkwardness had the bizarre effect of making me spout inane things. "Hey, uh, you can visit the horses anytime you want."

"Thanks. Not sure I'm ready for a solo visit yet."

"Yeah, I get it."

I glanced around and realized the other two couples at the table were staring at me and Heidi. Ollie smirked. Val seemed vaguely amused. Mara and Eve both smiled with their lips sealed and their cheeks dimpled.

"Aw," Mara said, "you two are so cute together."

"We're not together," Heidi said.

She didn't have to say that quite so fast, did she? Like she needed to make sure everyone, including me, knew we weren't dating. Was it my imagination, or had she almost shouted that statement?

I needed to have sex with her soon, before my balls shriveled up and I actually turned into a woman.