Page 3 of Damn Roommate

She’s sitting on the floor, her legs bent to her chest, and taps on her phone. She scores a point tonight. She could have been bitchy and said that eating fat was not her idea of a first meal, but she said nothing. Although I’m sure it burns her tongue.

“OK, I’ll heat them up and we can review the rules!”

“The rules?” she asks, getting up and glancing at her brother.

“You didn’t think you’d moved into a lawless land, did you? We have a code here.”

I chuckle at Scar’s wry pout as she pulls back slightly to bump against one of the living room armchairs. Obviously, she wasn’t expecting this. Neither was I. I don’t know where Ed got this bullshit from, but there are no rules here. Well, that was before his sister showed up, I guess.

“Do I need to take notes?” she asks grimacing.

“Don’t act like you can write, Scar.”

“Ha! Ha! Very funny. I see your humor has stayed at the same stage you had in middle school, Nolan.”

She stops, mimicking an intense reflection, her index fingerresting on her chin before adding in stride, “Oh no, sorry, you never had a sense of humor.”

I stifle a laugh, throwing a pillow in her face. She growls and I laugh more with Leo.

“Are you all done acting like children?” asks Edgar returning with a sheet and a pen. “Can we start with the rules?”

“You weren’t kidding,” Leo grumbles. “Great.”

“If my sister is here, don’t think it will be the same as when Sullivan was here.”

So, I was right about one thing. Scarlett is already breaking the mood.

I miss Milo.

“So, rule number one: no guys in the apartment.”

“Excuse me?” Scarlett groans.

Leo and I burst out laughing.

That a good start.

“Bringing anyone male here is prohibited,” Edgar confirms.

“Glad to know you’re not considered men.”

“It’syourmen who might have a problem if they walk through that door,” I retort.

She grimaces, annoyed.

“In that case, no girls in the apartment.”

Leo sits up, frowning.

“In your dream!”

“I agree!” I challenge her, all smiles.

“Speak for yourself, Jones! Unlike you, I don’t have the opportunity to stay at my girl’s house every night,” Leo says.

“For that, you would have to have a chick first,” Edgar says with a laugh.

“Oh, shut up if you don’t want me saying stuff in front of Scar,” Leo retorts.