Page 17 of Damn Roommate

“See you tomorrow?” I say to my friends.

They have already started heading for the exit and are waving at me quickly, their eyes narrowed at us and smiles on their faces.

“Have fun! Nice meeting you, Corey.”

The latter returns the favor and we finally find ourselves alone in the middle of the college hallway.

“I thought we could grab a coffee to go and hang out in the park, is that ok?”

“Yeah, sounds good,” I say.

He invites me to follow him to the parking lot and I climb into the front seat of his Volvo. The smell of leather slightly stings my nose but the freshness inside makes me sigh with relief. It’s awfully hot right now in Boston and after spending the daycooped up in crowded lecture halls, I’d really like a cold shower.

“Do you have anything planned this weekend?” he asks, staring at the road.

“We’re just coming off a weekend,” I chuckle.

I stare at his profile for a second, watching him smile while remaining focused on his driving. I feel strangely better than before, as if I was where I was supposed to be, with him. He glances furtively at me and playfully pouts.

“Are you staring at me?” he asks.

“I’m checking to see if you know how to drive.”

“A bit late after getting into a stranger’s car, Miss Martin,” he retorts.

I laugh and he winks at me. We fall silent for about a mile and then, when Corey arrives in town, he continues, “I was thinking of seeing you this weekend, unless you have something else planned and you’re tired of my company?”

He laughs, playing it cool. Always so sure of himself.

He’s the only one.

“I’m going home to my parents.”

“Too bad.”

He runs a quick hand through his hair, and I smile, trying to relax a bit.

“Another time then,” I say.

He turns to me, eyes sparkling, and my heart tightens. He’s really handsome and I’d be stupid not to give him a chance. We get out of his car and head for the first coffee shop.


It’s almost eight o’clock at night when Corey drops me off in front of my apartment building. He left his car a little further and we walk to the entrance in silence. We just spent more than two hours with each other, and the time flew by at breakneck speed. I was nervous, I was scared, and in the end, it was one of the nicestmoments since I came back. It was so spontaneous, natural, and I almost regret having to leave him right away.

“I’m really glad I spent time with you,” he says, turning to me.

We stop in front of the big building where my apartment is. He watches me, slowly moving closer while I don’t move an inch.

“I loved it too,” I admit.

“I guess walking with you to your door would be against the rules?”

I wince, he chuckles.

The rules.

Those that forbid me, among other things, from bringing a boy back to the apartment or from going out with one of my brother’s friends. As if that was even a plausible possibility.