Page 107 of Damn Roommate

He questions me intently, his brow furrowed, and his jaw clenched. The guys stand by the door without moving, even as Edgar approaches me. I remain unmoved, letting him stand only a few centimeters away to challenge me.

“You lied to me for weeks. You made my sister lie to me, you knew it was going to hurt me and you did it anyway. And then you denied it while looking me straight in the eye, apologizing! Damn it!”

“I never wanted to come to this,” I say.

“Are you going to make me believe that Scarlett forced you?”

I take a step back, sizing him up in disgust. “Don’t bring her into this.”

“She’s involved, right? Where is she anyway? Are you still banging her in secret?” he asks.


Edgar doesn’t glance at Leo’s voice that echoes behind like a warning. I cross my arms against my bare chest. I mentally forbid myself to jump on him, to punch him in the face when I hear him talk about Scar like that. I take a deep breath and let out as calmly as possible, “Everything stopped the day you found us.”

Edgar sneers.

“All that for this. Was it worth it at least? Losing us both for what? Threepoorweeks.”

I bite the inside of my cheek hard, stopping myself from spitting in his face. I know I screwed it up but hearing him utterit with such smugness hurts. Except that these few weeks have also made me think, and I’ve asked myself this question a billion times. I always came to the same conclusion.

“Yes. It was worth it.”

It seems to surprise him, because for a moment he freezes.

“I would do it again, if I had to,” I continue. “Even if it means losing her again. Even if it means you won’t talk to me anymore. I’ve known her as long as you. If you think I didn’t try to fight my feelings, you’re stupid. Dude, I know how much your sister means to you. How important it was to protect her and, believe me, I tried to push away everything I felt for her.”

He doesn’t say anything, watching me in silence as I keep talking. My heart is open, and everything I’ve been holding back for days is pouring out in an endless stream of words.

“I didn’t want to fall in love with her, but it happened. It blew up in my face without warning. She wanted to tell you everything, because she knew it was going to hurt you. She thought that if it came from her, you would have accepted it easier. Yet, I wanted to be the one to do it.”

“And why didn’t you say anything, then?”

His voice is hoarse, a sign that he is not indifferent to my confession.

“I was afraid of losing you. To see in your eyes how much I had betrayed you.”

“Yet you continued to betray my trust by apologizing that night.”

I take a deep breath and run a nervous hand to the back of my neck.

“I messed up,” I confirm. “I felt like if I stuck to my first version, I was going to get you back. I thought that would justify pushing Scarlett away. It was you or her, and at that moment, I wanted to go through with my choice.”

“You’re an idiot,” he says.

“I know, and if you only knew how sorry I am. I should have been honest. I should have told you everything.”

Ed closes his eyelids and sighs for a long moment. “I hate you, man.”

“I know.”

“She’s my little sister, damn it”

I nod and run my hand through my damp curls. “It’s over between us.”

He turns to move forward in the middle of the locker room, his back to me. He puts his hands behind his head, and I hear him exhale. The guys have leaned against the back wall and are watching us in silence. I grab my T-shirt and put it on quickly.

“Do you really love her?”