Page 106 of Damn Roommate

“He had two weeks to do it,” I say. “If he had wanted to apologize, he would have done it already.”

“Sometimes you need a little push.”

“And sometimes you have to accept that things don’t work out. If he had really cared about me likethat, he would have come back. Don’t you think?” I ask.

“I know that he’s not in this statejustfor Edgar,” Leo replies. “Nolan is just a guy with a broken heart. And believe me, it’s not just for friendship.”

“Edgar won’t forgive us this time.”

“Wanna bet?”



I remove my gear and throw everything in my locker, ignoring the conversations around me. I volunteered to put away the equipment used on the ice for practice tonight. I’m always volunteering lately, so I don’t have to be in the locker room at the same time as everyone else. Including Edgar. Especially Edgar. Because seeing him ignore me, avoid me, and meet his gaze when he thinks I don’t see him, is screwing me up. It’s been over three weeks, and nothing has changed.

I sigh as I put my skates away under the wooden benches and grab a towel from my bag. I head to the showers, alone, taking advantage of the quiet surroundings. I stand under the hot water long enough to remove all traces of my physical effort. When I return to the locker room a few minutes later, there is almost no one left. Exceptthem. I stop dead when I see the three of them chatting, their bags on the floor, and wrap my towel around my waist a little tighter. A rush of panic stings my throat, butI knowit’s time. It suddenly makes sense and I realize that this shit has gone on long enough. His rejection has lasted long enough. I chose his friendship over my love for his sister. I had a thousand opportunities in the apartment to confront him. Tonight, I have the feeling that I won’t have such good ones. On a neutral ground.

“Cooper, get out of here,” I say to the blond man, who takes a long time to put on his jacket.

They all turn to me, including the main person concerned, and I repeat my order with a nod of my chin. He sighs, grunts and leaves without a word. They’re the only three left. Milo, Leo, and Edgar. The three of them look at me, confused.

“We need to talk.”

I put on an underwear over my still-soaked skin, then quicklydry my hair, ignoring the silly smile I see forming on Leo and Milo’s faces. They’re laughing at what’s going to happen and I hate them for it. I have a half a chance of Edgar kicking my ass, and from the looks they’re giving me, I’m not even sure they’re still on my side right now. They’re going to let him tear me down, just to punish me for taking so long to wake up.

Frankly, I deserve it.

I silently put my jeans on then face them. I’m shirtless, my locks are still dripping on my shoulders and my neck. The sensation cools my skin and gives me chills.

“Is this a set-up?” Edgar asks standing up and crossing his arms over his chest to size me up without a word.

“Stop being defensive,” I say with aplomb. “We have things to say. This has gone on long enough, don’t you think?”

“So, who goes first?” he asks me.

I stare at Edgar, who glares at me. I miss my buddy. His ignorance weighs on me and seeing him here, when I have spent two weeks without news, hurts me.

God damn it. This time, I owe him the truth.

“I’m sorry, man.” Edgar raises his eyebrows in my direction and all the pain that I see there convinces me to continue. “I know you hate me. That Ireallydeserve you to beat me up and, believe me, I’m waiting for that. Because I feel miserable. I was an asshole to lie to you, and to betray you. I know how much you love Scarlett.”

Hearing her name slip between my lips crushes my insides and burns my tongue. I close my eyes and sigh. “I didn’t plan any of this.”

“When did it start?” he asks me with unnerving calm.

“I already told you,” I say.”

Ed shakes his head. “I’m talking about when you decided to choose my sister over anyone else.”

“We started dating a few days after I left Harriet.”

“You left Harriet forher?”

I nod my head. Even though I’d been lying to myself for a while, when thinking about it, it was obvious to me that Scarlett had oriented each of my choices on this subject.

“Why did you do that? Why Scarlett? You knew I was never going to agree, that I didn’t want you to touch her. Why did you do it anyway?”