Page 65 of Finding Mercy


She sounds so sad.

“The chief of police will be in contact, and you will go before a judge to get a restraining order.”

She gasps loudly, “What?”

“Do I really have to repeat all that?”

A laugh comes over the phone, “No, I just can’t believe it. Xander will be so happy. He’s driving me crazy.”

“I’m glad I could help. But don’t let your guard down. There’s no guarantee that this will deter him. It simply means harsher penalties if he doesn’t leave you alone.”

She sighs audibly, “Thank you, Mercy.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad I was able to help. Hey Iz, will you be a bridesmaid?”

“What? Oh my God. Obviously, yes!”

“Yay! I’m so happy. I need to go dress shopping tomorrow if you want to come with me. I’m going to ask Elle to come too. If she does, we will have Max.”

“Let me know. I don’t think my prison guard will let me go if Max isn’t there.”

“I’ll text you later.”

We disconnect the call right as I pull into the driveway. I can’t wait to see Ivy. I walk into the house, and Ivy makes a mad dash for me, throwing her hands around my waist, she nearly knocks me to the ground.

“I missed you so much,” she yells.

“I missed you too, sweet girl.”

“Can we go get a drink? I need to talk to Elle, but you can come too.”

She holds my hand on the way to the kitchen where I find Elle cleaning up the kitchen.

“Six weeks Elle. I’m getting married in six weeks.”

They both jump up and down ridiculously.

I watch Elle with a blank expression.

“Anyway. Will you be my maid of honor?”

“Oh my GOD!” She yells, “YES!” She covers her mouth as tears run down her face. “I’m so happy that you’re marrying my brother.”

I smile a toothy grin, “Me too.”

“So tomorrow, I was thinking, you, Isabella, and I, go find our dresses or at least try. Once we find mine, we can take Ivy for hers.”

Liam walks in wrapping his arms around me and kisses my neck.

“All three of my favorite girls in the same room? I’m a lucky man.”

Ivy giggles. She grabs onto his legs, and he lets go of me, squats down, and hugs her tight, making me melt.

“I’m sorry. I’m behind on dinner but I’ll start it now.”

He wags his finger at me, “You will do no such thing. We are going out for dinner. Your only job is to text Isabella and see if her and Xander would like to join us.”