Please start thinking about dates for our wedding. I need you to be my wife like you wouldn’t believe. I hope you’ll make this old man’s dream come true. Sooner rather than later.
This man. I’m afraid this stupid grin will be permanently attached to my face, all because of him. As I drive to the school, I realize I’m happy, really fucking happy. Every day is better than the previous. I pull into the parking lot, put the car in park, and fetch my cell phone.
Me: Six weeks.
Daddy: You’ll marry me in six weeks? I hope I do not misunderstand the meaning of six weeks.
Me: I’ll marry you in six weeks. I need time to find a dress.
Daddy: Fuck, baby girl, I’m so happy. Thank you. I have an ?? for your ???? tonight.
I burst out into a fit of laughter. Liam has discovered emojis. God save us all.
I walk into the school,trying to control the smile on my face. I meet with the principal, the school resource officer, and the lady who will be Ivy’s teacher, whom I adore. Ms. Weiss and I will get along famously. Five minutes into talking to her, and I already know that. She thinks I’ve hung the moon because I am her foster mother and planning to adopt her.
“Choosing a child that has no other choices is admirable,” she says.
I smile, “When you meet Ivy, I think you’ll realize I had no choice.”
She beams at me, “I hope you’re going to volunteer to help out in the classroom. You’re lovely.”
I giggle, “Of course I will.”
“When will she start?”
I smile, “Tomorrow but please be prepared for challenges, she has been through a lot. She’s had cancer and chemo twice in her short life. There’s been a lot of abuse and neglect. Surprisingly, she’s a well-adjusted little girl considering the obstacles, but I would expect some issues to arise.”
She shakes her head, “Poor girl.” A questioning expression crosses her face. “I may be completely out of line here. So, please forgive me if I completely cross it. Are you planning to adopt other children?”
I nod, “We are. I had a hysterectomy not so long ago so it’s the only way we can have a family beyond Ivy. However, I had some eggs frozen so we’re really hoping to find a surrogate.”
“My brother teaches high school and has a student that’s five months pregnant. She’s trying to privately find a family to adopt her baby.”
“I’d have to talk to my fiancé’ first, and I couldn’t adopt another baby before we adopt Ivy. I can’t do anything that makes her feel less important. She has to be our first child.”
“That’s truly beautiful that you’ve considered her feelings.”
I laugh, “Her feelings are very important.”
“Let me know if you decide you want to meet her.”
“I will. Thank you.”
We shake hands, and I turn to leave when she says, “I look forward to meeting Ivy tomorrow.”
I smile over my shoulder, “She’s going to be very excited. I already bought her princess backpack. You’ll soon understand her princess obsession as well as I do.”
She laughs, but it’s true. I already know it.
I head out of the building to my car to pick Ivy up from Isabella’s. I am sure she’s had the time of her life, but I’m excited to see her. I missed her tremendously.