I clasp my hands together, trying to appear strong, but I am incredibly nervous.
“Regardless, I don’t think he should get the maximum sentence. Liam and I will deal with whatever comes our way. When Nash gets out, we will handle it. But I don’t think it’s in the best interest of anyone for him to serve a lengthy prison term. If he was a danger to society, I would feel differently. I don’t believe he is if he stays off drugs.”
“Thank you for your candor, Ms. Madison.”
I nod, “Thank you,” and then leave to go back to the courtroom.
I walk back out and see Elle sitting on Liam’s other side. I give her a small wave as I sit back down beside Liam.
“You know, if he gets a lighter sentence, your dad is going to be pissed at you.”
I laugh, “I know, but he’s always pissed about something anyway.”
“If you know anything about me, Liam, it’s that I do the right thing regardless of the cost.”
He moves closer and whispers in my ear, “Like climbing into my bed, baby girl?”
A shiver runs through my core.
I glance over at him, “I have no regrets about that. I got everything I ever wanted, all because of that decision.”
“Me too,” he breathes.
We are told to rise again. I do, as I take a deep breath.
The judge tells us to take a seat.
“I do not make this decision lightly today. I considered the facts of this case, as well as the victim statement.”
He takes a moment and fumbles through the papers in his hands.
“Mr. Lexington, please stand.”
Nash stands. His fate is in Judge Hawthorne’s hands.
“The crime you committed against your best friend is disgusting. Even with drugs, it’s beyond me how you could do such a thing. While I believe you are remorseful for your actions, that does not take away what you have done. Victims do not sentence criminals, judges do. And make no mistake Mr. Lexington, you are a criminal. You preyed on not just an innocent woman, one you called your friend, your best friend.”
He shakes his head with disgust.
“I’m going to extend the same compassion that Ms. Madison has shown you today. As you are a first-time offender, I am sentencing you to seven years in state prison. You will also attend court mandated drug counseling. I’m not assessing a fine, because I have a suspicion that it would create more hardship for your family than it would you.”
We walk outof the courtroom, hand in hand, with Elle walking on Liam’s other side. Relief washes over me, it’s over. I did the right thing. Nash isn’t a hardened criminal. I hope he takes this second chance and uses it well. Seven years is still long, although I know he will serve less time with good behavior. Elle walks with us to Liam’s vehicle.
“Mercy, can I have a minute?”
I nod.
“I don’t know why you did that. No one would have blamed you for begging the court to sentence him to the maximum. I know you didn’t do it for me. But thank you. Thank you for giving him a chance.”
I give her a small smile, “I did it because it was the right thing to do. I don’t think we’ll ever be friends again. But I don’t want him to rot away in prison because he made bad choices. If I thought he would do something like this again, I would have asked for the maximum. But I know, if he stays clean, he can have a good life. I want that for him.”
A tear runs down her face, “You’re a much better person than I am, Mercy. Your heart is simply amazing. I’m glad you’re with my brother.”
She pulls me in for a big hug.