Page 59 of Alone

Are you okay?

Where are you? You said we could do a VIP room together.

Tommy is pissed.

Great. It’s getting more intense.

I open the ones from Megan.

You need to call us back.

Tommy is ready to send out a fucking search party.

Someone said your dress was ripped when you left? Are you okay?

Do I need to come home? I thought you promised us VIP rooms together. Why the fuck would you just leave?


The one from Vanessa.

Just checking to see where you are. Hope you’re okay.

And finally, the one from Tommy.

I suggest you listen to your voicemails.

I want to open the text from the unknown number, but I know I need to check my voicemail first.

I want to puke. I wish he would at least have told me what I had to look forward to in my voicemail. Good? Bad? Is anyone actually coming to look for me? Megan said someone saw me leave, yet nobody actually thought to show up at the house to see if I was even alive?

I guess business really does come first for some.

Even though I don’t want to, I click on the voicemail icon and listen to the first one from Megan. It starts with a bunch of ruffling noises, followed by Megan telling me how pissed off they are. How I should have told them I was leaving instead of just sneaking out. Then, I listen to the second one from Tommy. I press a hand to my stomach, trying to keep my nerves at bay.

“Just want you to know that you won’t need to come into work tomorrow. We received complaints about you. One from a guy named Nick who said you pretended to be his wife and got him into major fucking trouble at home. Another was from Dorion, saying that you weren’t all you were cracked up to be. And finally, one from Elliott. The biggest name in the fucking city. He informed me that you never even showed up for his VIP room.” He clears his throat and I wince at the sound. “You’re fired. Don’t show your face in this club again.”

The sound of the ended call sings into my eardrums and I slowly lower the phone back to the dresser.

What am I going to do now? My friends are pissed at me and now I won’t even be able to afford rent. I don’t even know if the girls want me living here anymore after my disappearance. I want to tell them what happened, but I don’t know if it will just sound like an excuse now. I should have told them before.

The reality of everything sinks in.

No friends. No job. No nothing.

I lift my phone from the dresser remembering I have another unread text message. It’s from an unknown number and it’s coming through as a photo.

I click it and my nerves are pushed to the limits. The bile rises in my throat as I stare at a picture of Geani, half naked on Nick’s lap. He’s looking off to the side with a giant smile on his face. The caption on the photo says “You lose.”

She took him into a VIP room. That bitch had more up her sleeve than just having me raped. She knew I had a connection to Nick and she took advantage of that.

The phone drops and the screen cracks. I have nothing left in me to give.

“You win, Geani.”

Chapter eighteen

You Done Fucked Up, My Girl