Page 36 of Alone

“Nooooo!” I say, mimicking Leeah’s tone.

“Yes,” Vanessa says. “So, with that happening in the club just now, word is going to spread like wildfire. If we end up getting a police raid or fines, it could be cause to shut down the club.”

“But can’t they just deny it?” I ask. “If Candy really was being ‘pimped’ out by her mother,” I continue, using air quotes, “Can’t Lola just say it’s not true? That she got her clients simply by dancing here?”

Vanessa laughs and her eyes squeeze shut. “Well, it would be that easy if there wasn’t more to the story.” The rest of us remain silent, waiting for Vanessa to elaborate. “They also lied about Candy’s age. She’s seventeen.”

I actually gasp as though I’ve been a stripper for long enough to understand the repercussions. My hand covers my mouth and I look around the room at the rest of the girls.

Vanessa is still shaking her head when she says, “I don’t know how they didn’t know that. I don’t know who approved her to work here.” She puts her hands on her hips and then drops them again as though she doesn’t know what to do with them. “I need to start there. I need to find out who hired her on.” She looks to the ceiling before her head drops again. “This is so bad.”

“Fuck,” Megan says, dropping down onto her chair. “What happens if they shut it down?”

Vanessa shrugs. “I’ll be happy to be a reference for you girls.”

“How do we avoid it?” I ask.

“Be on our best behavior,” Megan groans, knowing that we can’t pull anything with Geani now.

“Don’t sound so disappointed,” Vanessa says, almost giggling at Megan’s reaction to having to behave.

Megan grins at Vanessa almost as if to say ‘we definitely didn’t have anything up our sleeves tonight’. Then all of the smirks disappear as though the terror of the club shutting down has resurfaced.

“I’m going to be in my office,” Vanessa says as she walks away. “If anyone needs me… don’t.”

We all watch as she closes her office door.

“I pity the fool that hired Lola and Candy,” Amanda says, her lawyer voice returning as she crosses her arms.

We all nod, and I add in my best Mr. T voice, “I pity the fool!”

The girls chuckle, but roll their eyes at me.

“I just hate that we can’t get revenge on Bitch Face,” Leeah says, surprising all of us with her violent side.

“Tonight will be great regardless,” I say to the girls, trying to pump them back up. “No matter what that bitch tries to do to me.”

“Agreed!” Amanda says after a second, putting her hand out like we’re in a huddle at softball practice.

All of us put our hands on top of Amanda’s and dip them down, yelling in unison like we’ve practiced this a million times, “Go sluts!”

We laugh and everyone gets back to the final makeup and hair touches.

I know that we have a nice plan for our routine. I know that everything will blow over with Tommy and Geani.

But why the hell do I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach?

I really hope I’m not catching what Leeah has.

Chapter eleven

I'm Gonna Hurl

Aaronturnsdownthelights and turns up the music. Spotlights are whirling around the stage as I slowly make my way up the small staircase beside the stage and walk toward the pole.

The tight pink dress I chose for tonight is glowing in the blacklights and hugging every curve of my body. My nipples are hard, thanks to the quick rub I gave them before entering the stage, and they’re definitely letting the world know that they’re at attention.

The slow song is captivating as my eyes move over the audience. My head is tilted down, but my eyes are sharp as I make eye contact with as many men as I possibly can.