Page 28 of Alone

Megan grabs my arm and we race onto the dark stage. Our heels are clomping with each step, but the crowd remains silent as they wait for the lights to come on.

My heart is racing as I stand on stage while some of the LED lights begin to flicker on at a minimum. Aaron hasn’t dropped the beat yet and I feel like my mind is blank. I am petrified that the second I hear that first tune, I won’t remember anything. Like when someone asks someone else what they do at their job. It’s as if they never even had a job.What do I do for a living?

I let out a deep breath to calm myself. Mind over matter. I can do this.

The spotlight comes on.

The music echoes through the speakers.

My ass presses out and my shoulders dip down.

I’ve got this.

My eyes are moving through the crowd as I make my way around the pole, and they all seem to be watching me. Some eyes are bouncing between Megan and I, but the majority are on me.

No pressure.

I follow the moves just as we rehearsed this morning and it’s going so smoothly. I swear I’m doing better now than I did this morning, but I bet I can blame my morning performance on the fact that I woke up in a whole other world doped out on some drug that was coursing through my veins.

Megan looks at me and gives me a wink. I wink back and the crowd screams even louder as we whip ourselves around the poles in unison.

It’s a gorgeous show and, as weird as it may sound, I’m so proud of myself. I fear my dad wouldn’t share the same feeling if he could see his little girl now.

My muscles burn as I continue through the routine. This morning’s practice definitely woke up the parts of my body that I don’t use in the real world. I still can’t believe I’m doing this. There are so many eyes on me right now and I know that none of them are judging me for being up here. They’re in awe at what my arms and legs can do as I dance in mid-air to a sexy tune beside my best friend.

We’re the stars of the show.

I slide down my pole and land in the split as the music lowers and the lights turn down.

Holy shit I did a split and didn’t piss myself!

Money is flying onto the stage at me and Megan and my chest is pounding as I try to catch my breath.

My very first show and it was a hit!

Megan and I stumble off stage in our platform shoes to meet the bodyguard who takes us back to the changing room.

Vanessa is jumping up and down when we come through the doors.

“That was amazing!!!” she screams.

I smile wide and Megan hugs me.

“People are practically busting down the doors to see you two sluts ride that metal beam,” Tommy’s voice says as he enters the changing room.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Instead, I smile and say in my best angelic tone, “It was a good show. I’d come to see us too.”

Tommy laughs loudly and kisses Megan on the cheek. She looks like she’s on the verge of cringing, but she accepts and we wait for him to leave the room.

“That was amazing!” Leeah shouts as she comes running to us. “You were so sexy out there!”

“Top notch,” Amanda says, hugging me. “Best show yet.”

“Don’t get too cozy,” Vanessa says to Amanda and Leeah. “You have another show coming up soon. You each go again before the night is over and then we’ll count the tips to see how well we did tonight. That will give us an idea of what’s to come this weekend.”

“What’s this wee-” I go to ask, but notice the look on Megan’s face and stop talking. “I mean, what do you have to drink? I’m going to die if I don’t get some water in me.”

“Better yet,” Megan chimes in. “Tequila!”