Page 69 of Alone

I walk over to them and the huddle dissolves. Megan walks up to me and stares at me while Amanda stands beside us, crying, and says through tears, “Just fucking kiss and makeup already!”

“Yeah!” Leeah says. “We have a monster to take down!”

I hold out my arms and let Megan come to me. I let her make the call to forgive me so we can find a way to work through this.

“I’ll do dishes for the rest of the year,” I offer.

I see the corners of her mouth turn up slightly, but she fights the smile and it fades.

“And I’ll do your laundry for the rest of the year too,” I add.

“Even our outfits,” Amanda adds. I want to glare at her, but I refrain.

“Including the ones that need to be hand washed,” Megan says, smirking.

“Deal,” I say.

Megan closes the distance between us and slams herself into me, hugging me so tight that it almost hurts to breathe.

But I accept it. And I rest my chin on her shoulder as I stand and cry in the arms of my best friend. The one who knows my pain and sorrow. The one who is going to fight beside me as the five of us find a way to get revenge.

As we find a way to bring down the monster who has hurt myself and my friends.

And this time, I won’t hold back.

Chapter twenty-two

Give the Asshole What He Deserves

Thecrampeddrivetothe club wasn’t as bad as I had expected with all five of us crammed into Megan’s car. And mainly because I got to sit in the front seat while the other three squeezed into the back.

Best friend rights I guess.

We pull into the club parking lot and I immediately feel the butterflies begin to swirl around my insides.


Maybe he won’t be here. Maybe he’s at home recovering from the event last night and he won’t be here at the club. We’re not supposed to be here, so why would he be here? It’s not like he has to practice.

“Just ignore Tommy when we get inside,” Megan says. My stomach flops over itself.

“We’ll take care of him,” Geani adds.

Megan looks at her in the rearview mirror and I can tell that my friends still haven’t warmed up to the idea of all of us being in the car together. Or even in her general vicinity.

We get out of the car and walk toward the door, but it’s flung open and Tommy comes storming out with his finger pointed at me.

“Get off this property,” he shouts, storming in our direction.

All four women build a shield of strippers in front of me, pushing me behind them and walking toward Tommy.

“We can’t,” Megan says. “She’s with us.”

“We have to meet with Vanessa,” Geani adds. “Dee included.”

Tommy stops in his tracks when he sees all of us together, his eyes lingering on Geani to make sure he’s seeing things right.

His finger slowly drops to his side as the five of us walk by him and he grumbles at us. “I don’t have the energy for this shit.”