Page 41 of Alone

Megan smiles back, now understanding the reason for the appliance. “And you’re feeling better?”

I nod. “Not really sure what that was all about. I slept for a while and when I woke up, I felt like I could run a marathon.”

“Weird,” she says.

“Agreed,” I say. I walk over to the couch and pick up the bag filled with clothes.

I pull out the dark purple outfit that matches the pink, silver, and black ones still in the bag. When I hand it to her, she takes it and looks at me. That’s when I pull the other bag out, knowing this one may have her getting a little emotional.

“And this one,” I say, handing her the biggest bag of them all.

She opens it and a tear forms in the corner of her eye, but she looks confused. “What’s all this?”

“Party stuff,” I say.

“Why party stuff?”

“For your son,” I say. “I overheard you talking to him on the phone. You said that he’d have the party you promised him. I’m an awful friend and can’t exactly remember when his birthday is, but he seems like the kind of kid that deserves to have a birthday party. And I want to make sure that happens since you sounded concerned when you talked to him.”

“Why are you doing all this?” she asks. Her chin is quivering and the tears are now streaming down her cheeks.

“You girls have been wonderful to me,” I blurt out.

“Miss, can we get you to sign-,”

“Shut up,” I snap at the delivery driver. “Can’t you see I’m having a moment?”

The man puts his hands behind his back and rocks on his heels while I clear my throat and look back at Megan who has her lips clamped shut, trying not to laugh at my outburst, but still fighting tears of emotion.

“Like I was saying. You girls are my family and I wouldn’t be here without you. You’ve had my back when I went through my downward spiral recently. You’ve protected me from Tommy when he was being a complete asshole. And you tried to get vengeance against Geani when she deserved to be run over with a damn truck.”

The look on the delivery driver’s face is priceless right now.

“I just wanted to do something nice for my main bitches,” I continue. “I appreciate you all.”

Megan walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I bet if I looked at the delivery guys right now, at least one of the two would be sporting a pitched tent. Two chicks embracing, one of which is wearing next to nothing.

She pulls away and smiles at me. “You’re amazing. You know that?”

I shrug. “I really do know that.” I turn back toward the delivery driver. “Now. What did you need me to sign?”

A few hours later, the dishes in the house are all clean and I’m sitting on the couch reading a book with Megan passed out beside me. I hear the sound of a bedroom door open and I expect Amanda or Leeah to come out, but instead, it’s a strange man with sleep-covered eyes.

He’s squinting the same way Megan was when she emerged from her bedroom and I’m now aware of the fact that she left the stranger in her bedroom and chose to sit with me instead.

“Good morning, sunshine,” I say with amusement as he notices Megan on the couch beside me. “Rough night?”

The stranger nods and smirks at me. “I see she decided I wasn’t as interesting as you.” He gestures toward Megan and puts his hands in his sweatpants pockets.

“I’m pretty irresistible, you know,” I say. I close the book and set it in my lap. “Are you heading out or should I wake her up?”

“I can just grab my things,” he says. He checks his watch. “Don’t you girls need to be awake soon anyway?”

I nod. “Another hour or so I’ll make sure she wakes up to put her face on and get her slutty panties out of her top drawer. You weren’t rummaging through it, were you?”

He laughs. “I wasn’t. But now that I know where they are…” he trails off and Megan squirms beside me.

The dishwasher beeps across the room and I feel a sense of relief wash over me. The rest of the house might still be littered with stripper clothes and old pizza boxes, but at least the dishes from three days ago are getting washed.