Page 2 of Alone

Spencer gets handed off to one teacher while I get Laura settled into her class, and then I retrieve him on my way out the door. It’s an excellent system, really. A well-oiled machine.

Better than the one I have at home.

Once we return to our driveway, I look back at Spencer’s bright-eyed smile and we take a few minutes to dance toBaby Got Backbefore we head inside the house.

I get Spencer situated in his play area in the living room, secure the gate, pet Bunji on the head - apologizing for not taking him out fast enough - and clean up the pee spot in the hallway.

My head is already pounding.

I grab the leash and take Bunji out to pee before I bring him back in and get to work on the house. Each room of my house looks like a tornado barrelled through it. It makes my headache worse just by looking at it.

Like those days where your list is ten miles long, but you just take a nap instead. I miss being able to do that. But Spencer’s bouncing butt on the other side of his playpen gate reminds me I don’t have that option anymore.

As I walk toward the living room, I hear a bit of commotion outside so I race to the window.

“What the…” I say to myself as I slowly pull back the curtains that my mother-in-law bought for me.

Laurie, my neighbor from two houses down, is waving a kitchen towel at some man in a suit. I can’t quite make out what they’re saying so I drop the curtain and run toward the front door. Careful not to make any noise as I unlock the deadbolt, I pull the door open just enough that I can hear the conversation happening.

“I saw you!” Laurie shouts at the strange man. “You followed me home! What the hell do you want?”

The strange man puts his hands on his hips and I mimic his pose subconsciously.

“I just want to talk,” the strange man says. “It was a lovely night and I thought we could build on it.”

“Noooooo,” I say in a hushed tone so they don’t hear me. “But Laurie is married,” I whisper. I give the man the up and down trying to take in everything about him. “And that sure as shit isn’t Garret.”

“Go away!” Laurie shouts. “Before I call the police!”

Just as she’s threatening to call, the door behind Laurie opens and Garrett steps outside.

“Ooohhh shit,” I say to myself. “The plot thickens.”

“Who the hell is this?” Garrett asks, folding his arms in front of his chest and sizing up the stranger.

“I don’t know,” Laurie says. “But he won’t leave!”

Garrett looks directly at me, and Laurie follows his gaze. I almost trip over myself trying to close the door and I’m almost disappointed that I don’t get to see how this story unfolds.

“Damnit!” I shout, blowing out a frustrated breath. “Just as something good was happening in this vanilla-flavored town.”

I grab my dish towel from the floor by the curtains and get back to work.

Starting in the kitchen, I tidy up the dishes while the phone rings and the dryer buzzes. I grab the dish towel and dry my hands before answering my cell phone as I head for the laundry room.

“Jeez, Deidre,” Rachel says into my ear. “Rough morning?”

“How did you know?” I ask.

“Because usually you answer the phone on the first ring. This time it took about four rings and I was wondering if you’d pick up at all.”

“Well, you know how much I love talking on the phone,” I retort.

“True, but it’s me.”

“Still a phone.”

“Anywaaay,” she says, dragging out the word. “Did you hear what happened with Laurie?”