Page 18 of Cerberus

“I’m talking about the secret meetings without me,” he spat. “I’m talking about the girls hanging out without inviting Laney.”

I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about, and I didn’t really care. While I didn’t trust the fucker, I had no doubt that Stone could handle him without mine, Fox’s, or Saxton’s help. Plus, we weren’t having secret meetings. We’ve met a couple of times to discuss the mess between Stone, August, and Rylee, but we haven’t been having any secret meetings pertaining to the organization. We knew better than that. While we all shared the same opinion regarding August, we still had to play by the rules until we could prove his duplicity.

“Look, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” I told him. I was about an inch taller than August, but it wasn’t a strain to look him in the face. “We’re not having secret meetings about the organization, and I can’t help what the girls do. If they’re getting together, and not inviting Laney, that’s Laney’s problem.”

Completely ignoring what I said, August kept rambling like a fool. “If you think you guys are going to run me off just because you don’t like me, you’re wrong.”

“Don’t like you?” I laughed unkindly. “Quit the shit, August. We all know you were behind that bullshit with Rylee and Laney. If it wasn’t enough that you disrupted the initiation with your jealousy, you have to be one stupid motherfucker to fuck with Stone Lexington. Either you’re giving yourself too much credit, or Stone not enough, but I think you need to move the fuck on, August. Whatever your hope for Rylee was, she’s married to Stone now. You’re fucking with a man’swifenow. Do you get that?”

“I saw her first,” he spat, and I knew I was going to need to talk to Stone and the others about this little heart-to-heart. The emotion in his voice had me concerned for Rylee. It wasn’t that I didn’t think Stone could protect her, but August was far from done with her.

“What are you? Five?” I mocked. “It doesn’t matter if you saw her first, dated her first, or even proposed to her first. She’s married to Stone. The girl is signing her name Rylee Lexington. She’s a goddamn Hera, August.”

His back straightened when I reminded him that Rylee was a Hera. If he kept trying to come between Rylee and Stone, there’d be no escaping the repercussions. There were always consequences for our actions, no matter how much we wished there weren’t. Case in point, Sutton doing everything in her power to avoid me.

“Well, perhaps you’re right,” he replied, his tone as shifty as his character. “Maybe I should move on to someone a little more available.”

I cocked my head. “You think?”

The smirk on his face should have been my warning, but I still wasn’t expecting what he said next. “Maybe someone like Sutton Hadley, perhaps.”

I had my hands in his shirt, my fist connecting swiftly, not caring who was around. “I’ll fucking kill you,” I snarled right before I felt hands pulling me back.

“What the fuck?”


August was smiling at me through a bloody lip, and rage had me blind to everything else around us. “You go near Sutton, and I will fucking kill you.”

August stood up, then wiped the blood off his lip. “She’s single, isn’t she?”

Before I could say anything, Fox was standing in front of me, staring August down. “If I were you, I’d get the fuck out of here, Remington,” he spat. “You’re not doing yourself any favors here.”

Talk about fucking timing, Saxton and Fox were standing in front of me, and though I could have gotten to August if I’d really wanted to, even through my rage, I knew that now wasn’t the time or place. Just hitting him had the potential to cause enough shit within the organization. Between me and Stone, August could really sell the story that we were turning on him and trying to oust him.

August tried to stare Fox down, but it was hard to stare someone down when they were taller than you. Besides, Fox Harrington was as commanding as it got. We all had our reputations, and Fox’s reputation was that of fearlessness. If Fox wanted to become President of the United States, I had no doubt that he could. However, that’s not where he was headed.

Stone’s future was in money. The guy was going to own everyone’s pockets, and we all knew it. I was going into politics, and that had never been a secret. Saxton was going into media, and that guy was going to command the masses. Everyone knew whoever controlled the media controlled the world. And Fox was going to go into law, and I knew his endgame was going to be The Supreme Court, if not something more powerful.

So, if August thought he could intimidate Fox Harrington, he was very wrong. Especially, when August’s goals weren’t as lofty as the rest of us. August’s career path was going to take him into pharmaceuticals, and though a powerful avenue, it was still limited. Plus, I wasn’t even sure if August had it in him to see it all the way through.

“Fine,” August replied, spitting blood on the ground. “I have somewhere I need to be anyway.” He arched a brow at me when he said that, and there was no doubt that if I found him at Sutton’s, I was going to kill him.

As soon as August was out of sight, Saxton asked, “What in the hell was that all about?”

“He said that he was going to go after Sutton since Rylee was now unavailable,” I explained.

“Who the hell is Sutton?”

I looked over at Fox. “I gotta go,” I told him, and he just nodded knowingly. Then I looked over at Saxton. “Fox can tell you all about her. I gotta go.”

I took off towards student parking and my car. I wasn’t sure if August was serious or not, but I wasn’t going to take any chances. Sutton was still pissed and holding a grudge, and there was no way I was going to let August worm his way in between our broken relationship.

Getting into my car, I fired off a text, letting Sutton know that I was on my way to her place and that she better open the door when I got there.

However, I had no problem breaking down the fucking door.

Chapter 12