Page 20 of Brewer

I reached up, cradling his face in my hands as I brushed a kiss to his lips.

“I’m okay,” I whispered.

Brewer lightly tilted my chin up with his finger.

“Are you still thinking about getting out of here?” he asked.

I shook my head, wrapping my hands around his wrist. I’d been horribly, terribly, almost deadly wrong about Stephen. But with Brewer, I felt safe, calm, and loved. He’d been through so much to protect me. I reached up and touched the damp gauze at his shoulder.

“This is my home,” I said. “The world is too big for me out there.”

A small smile graced the corner of Brewer’s mouth. He curved his fingers around the back of my neck, cradling me.

“How do you feel about making it official?” he asked. “I’d like to introduce you to my club so you can meet my brothers properly.”

I knew the extent of what Brewer was asking. His MC was his family. He would die for his brothers and they would die for him. To allow me into that tight-knit circle, built on the deepest foundations of trust spoke volumes no words could ever touch.

Stephen had been a mistake. A giant, glaring, nasty mistake. But because of him, I was here, gazing up into the face of a man who I trusted with my life as he welcomed me into his world, his life, his heart.

“I’d like that,” I replied.

Brewer took my arms and guided them around his neck, dipping his head to kiss me. With the cold shower tiles at my back, his body heat was scorching as he pinned me to the wall. Sliding his palms down my wet skin, he hooked his hands behind my knees. In one smooth motion, he lifted me up as if I weighed nothing at all.

I locked my legs around Brewer's hips as our tongues tangled. Then he eased his cock into me and I nearly sobbed with relief.

Stephen was gone. Brewer and I were alive. And nothing would come between us.


I woke to the low rumble of Brewer's voice beside me. The weight of his arm was wrapped around my shoulders, cradling me against his side. Blinking away the stupor of sleep, I raised my head to look at him.

"The cops didn't grill you too hard?” he was saying into his cell phone.

I raised my eyebrows, concerned. Brewer shook his head with a faint smile, as if to say,nothing to be worried about.He brushed a lock of hair away from the corner of my mouth, trailing his knuckles along my cheek.

"I appreciate you running interference, Tank," Brewer continued. "Yeah, she's okay. Slept like a baby the whole night through."

I wrinkled my nose to indicate I knew Brewer and Tank were talking about me. But I didn't mind. It was sweet that they were keeping tabs on me. And even if it did annoy me…I was part of the family now; I'd have to get used to it.

"Why don't you and the boys take some time off?" Brewer said. "You earned it. And I'll be laying low for a while until the cops stop sniffing around."

Tank and Brewer continued talking for a few more minutes. Then Brewer hung up, tossing his phone on the nightstand beside my bed. Scooping his arm around my waist, he hauled me on top of him until our bodies were flush together, skin-to-skin.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Just tying up loose ends, sweetheart. I ditched the gun last night. Got rid of my clothes." He paused and a dark gleam came into his eyes. "And it seems that no one saw the shooting at the diner. No witnesses at all. The cops know that two bikers rolled up because of the security camera footage on the parking lot. But the cameras weren't working in the diner so there's no proof that Tank and I were there. Looks like the cops have nothing to go on."

I frowned, confused. "But there were all those people…"

A soft smile touched Brewer's lips.

"It's an MC perk, baby. I look out for the folks around here and they do the same in return. The owner of the diner wiped the security camera footage. And none of the witnesses wanted to rat me out. So they kept their mouths shut."

I was speechless. We were truly free. After the past few days of living a nightmare, I could breathe again. I could fall even deeper in love with this man who had protected me and fought for me. Tracing my fingers over the tender scar on Brewer's chest, I looked up at him in disbelief and joy.

Brewer closed his hand over mine and brushed a kiss to my temple.

"So," he said. "I thought we could talk about that idiotic stunt you pulled, meeting up with Stephen on your own."