Page 67 of Loving Rush

“Too late, fucker. Way too fucking late. Keep the money. Call it severance for ourpartnership. Besides, with all the dirt on you, I have a feeling you're going to need it." I turned toward the exit, desperate to escape the man, but changed my mind. "The house you bought in Key West is nice. I intend to keep that." I ran my thumb along my nose. "But a word of advice?"

"Fuck off," he hissed, sounding like his nose was plugged, probably from the swelling.

"That's almost what I was going to say.” I paused and forced myself to smile. “Don't drop the soap. I hear that's where most of the prison romances get started." I smirked as his eyes got wide. "Later, dickhead," I said and walked out to meet the police.


Breakable Toy


There wassomething distinctly depressing about looking at the same hospital curtains I’d seen too many times before. It was beyond horrible that I was back in the hospital I’d been in all those years ago. “I fucking hate this,” I seethed, thinking about all that had happened since Rush took me to the hospital.

Once I was stable, I was driven by private ambulance from Key West. Mom had fussed the whole way and continued until I was settled in the hospital bed I lay in now. In the days since Rush took me to the hospital, it’d been the same doctors, nurses, and even the bland and healthy fucking food.

One thing that was different was me. I’d really believed myself stronger. I’d never lived so much as I had the last few weeks, and vitality had coursed through my veins. In some ways, Mom had been right. I did need to take better care of myself, my diet, and my vitamin regime.

I shook my head, blinking back tears that escaped from the corner of my eye, and slid onto the pillow beneath my head. I wouldn’t change anything from the last few weeks. Not even if the infection had been the end of me. But Rush? Fuck, that was the worst part. What I’d done to him. He would never be able to forgive me, and I couldn’t blame him.

“He hates me, doesn’t he?” I turned a tear-stained face to Mom, who sat on the chair near me, crocheting. “I really love him, Mom.”

Her pinched face softened. Now that my stats were improving, the lines I’d seen deepen on her face were easing again. “He was really shocked, Lux. You should have told him what was going on. Honesty really is the best policy.” She went back to her work.

“I didn’t want him to treat me like a breakable toy the way you do.” I blinked another torrent of tears.

“Don’t be mean, Luxheart. It doesn’t become you.” She clucked her tongue. “But he could’ve taken care to make sure you weren’t drinking or eating foods that can harm you.”

“I didn’t want him to look after me. I wanted him to like me for who I am.”

“But this is who you are,” she said, leaning forward. “But you only let him see what you wanted him to see.”

Her words hurt, mainly because they were true.

“I’m going to have a shower.”

‘Can I help?”

“No,” I turned away, “I don’t want any help.”

The shower was warm but weak and did zero good at washing away the memories of the man I loved. Had it only been a week ago? My skin prickled at the memories of our time together in the hotel.

I’d have to ask him to forgive me when I was released. It hurt he hadn’t texted or called since that night. I’d debated contacting him many times, but my courage always failed me. Still, I would tell him I was sorry.

Renewed by the shower, I stepped out and dried off, pulling on the hospital robe. “Damn it,” I muttered. In my hurry to get away from Mom, I’d left my hairbrush and clean underwear in the room. I walked out expecting Mom, but instead, Rush leaned against the door. His face was shadowed and tired, the skin a little tight around his eyes.

“Hey,” I stuttered. My pulse was racing like I'd run a marathon.

“Your mom said we could have a few minutes.” He gave a wry smile.

“That was nice of her,” I said, curious about how that conversation must have gone.

“Oh yeah.” He crossed his arms.“She’s a peach,” he added.

I worked to show a smile, but I was distraught about what I’d done to the man I loved. “Is that so?” I rolled my shoulders back, letting out a ragged breath. “I’m sorry, Rush. I should’ve been honest with you.”I sat on the edge of the bed. “I should’ve told you everything on our first date. Given you a heads-up about why I was in the hospital that day.”

His jaw flexed, but he didn’t respond right away.

I stayed put, not wanting him to reject me, my eyes on my hands.