Two-legged vermin and their inconveniences!

If the Hunter were a Beast, he could just lift his hind leg or squat and go. Then bury the evidence with a few digs of his paws.

Humanoids were so much work. Theonlybenefit of taking human form was the intimacy and deep emotions formed between Mates.

And based on his experience, even that was more curse than blessing.

Would he have capitulated to Anya’s pursuit if he’d known then what he knew now? Both her fate and his?

Sin didn’t know. He wasn’t sure loving someone was worth the agony of their loss.

But now, he was faced with a conundrum. To loosen the Hunter’s bonds and risk his escape, or to suffer the indignity of touching the male’s…tempting bits.

Inwardly, Sin shook his head at the last thought, shocked at his own reaction.

Tempting bits?

There was absolutely nothing attractive about the Dark One. Not his equally big-boned, muscular body, or his earthy, forest smell.

Sin growled low in frustration. The more he argued with himself, the less convincing he seemed to be.

After a mental calculation, he decided.

With a shimmer and a flash that was half a blink, Sin transformed into human and stalked toward his prey.

~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~

Zai did have to piss. That was the truth.

It was also the truth that he needed help to do it.

At a minimum, they needed to stop for a bit. He could piss and walk at the same time, but the scent he’d carry on his body and in his clothes would be akin to an emblazoned flag for potential pursuers to follow. Never mind the discomfort and indignity.

In theory, only Ben should be coming after them, according to their agreement with Queen Ashlu. But Zai didn’t trust the Dark Queen as far as he could throw her.

If he were the calculating bitch, he’d send assassins or other well-trained Hunters after them, just to make sure they were executing the mission as planned.

It was true that stopping to piss was a necessity, but it was also the perfect opportunity to attempt escape. And Zai wasn’t going to let it pass without trying.

He supposed he could continue to act docile and simply follow where the liger led him. He might even arrive at the Tiger King’s enclave at the end of it.


Firstly, his bindings were extremely uncomfortable, and he’d been twisted into this position for almost an entire day already. He couldn’t feel his arms any more.

Secondly, he didn’t know what to make of the intense gleam in the liger’s yellow eyes.

Whatever the intention behind that sharp gaze was, it didn’t bode well for Zai. If Zai were to guess, the liger struggled within himself with every breath whether or not to tear Zai limb from limb and put him out of his misery once and for all.

And while Zai didn’t particularly fear death, nor the bloody, violent path of getting there, he certainly didn’t relish dying by dismemberment or being eaten by a giant liger while he could feel every stab and tear from those sharp teeth and claws.

Immortals could withstand an enormous amount of pain before they sank into unconsciousness, unlike fragile humans. If Zai could choose a way to go, being mauled by a Beast wasn’t on the top of his list.

Thirdly, being led around like a beaten dog chafed more than the rough rope around Zai’s neck. The irony of their situation didn’t escape him. An animal mastering a man.

Zai bowed to no one.

He made himself a promise when he broke free of the Blood Moon Queen. He would never again let himself be used or mastered. He would fight to the death if he had to.