It was the Tiger King’s quiet thought that silenced the rest of the group.
You can hear our thoughts, Hunter.
There was no point in denying it, so Zai said, “Aye.”
Goya looked at Sin.
Only the Mate of a Beast can hear our thoughts.
Both Sin and Zai froze at that, but Sin was the first to recover.
As I say: he’smine.
This changes things,the tiger mused, his gaze measured and considering.
I see now what I didn’t see before.
That made one of them, Zai thought.
What the fuck was happening right now?
All of them waited for Goya to finish his thoughts.
Finally, he said, spearing Sin with that intense blue stare,You are correct, liger. We have no proof.
We must resolve this in the ways of old, through a Challenge issued and accepted.
He stood on all fours and drew himself up to his full height, that of a giant white Siberian tiger.
Those who accuse the Dark One must fight his defender until one or the other yields.
Zai opened his mouth to protest again that he would fight his own battles, but a sharp glance from the Tiger King silenced him without his will to do so.
Fuck. Maybe the power the Beast King wielded over the animals also extended to Zai now too, through whatever bond he shared with Sin.
Just his luck, gods damn it!
The four felines who wanted Zai’s blood most stepped forth at once.
Goya looked to Sin next.
Will you fight them one by one or—
Bring them the fuck on,the liger growled, impatience and fury flaring in his yellow eyes.
I’ll take them at once. Ineedit. Been itching to teach them a lesson for accusing my Hunter.
Still in his human form, he cracked his knuckles and then his neck, before shifting instantly into liger and letting out a bloodthirsty roar.
Then so be it, Goya pronounced.
If they win, you will both be punished according to your guilt as I see fit.
Here, he paused until Sin dipped his great head in a hard nod.
If you win, the Hunter can leave here in peace. We will not follow. I will not allow any of my Beasts to take retribution from him from this day on.
He glared at the Beasts in question, and they also very reluctantly gave their nods of acceptance.