“If I cut you free to do the deed, will you run from me, Dark One?”

Zai shivered involuntarily at the Beast’s low, gravelly voice, more animal than man. He couldn’t speak with the rope cutting into his jugular; he could barely breathe.

But the liger wasn’t looking for a response, it seemed, for he continued on.

“I want you to run,” he rasped, making all the hairs on Zai’s body stand on end.

“Know that if you do, you are fair game. Your choice to defy me will have consequences. I will chase you, catch you, andownyou in every way. You get me, Hunter?”


Zai couldn’t let those words lie.

Who the fuck did this liger think he was? Zai had brought down countless Beasts. If his bindings were removed, they would be evenly matched. Just who would own whom remained to be seen.

He rolled his eyes sideways toward the liger and flared his nostrils in signal.

The male seemed to know what he wanted and loosened the rope just enough for him to choke out his words.

“Cut me loose and see,” he gritted out.

“Winner takes all.”

~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~

The Dark fucker was asking for it.

Practicallybeggingfor it—

For Sin to teach him a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget.

He blamed his infuriating erection on the adrenaline and bloodlust. What self-respecting predator could resist the taunt of a juicy prey?

But he’d be lying to himself if he thought that was all.

The scent of the Hunter was nigh irresistible, and the intensity and danger of his circumstances only made his musk stronger, headier, richer. As if the air around them was infused with the male’s smell, grew claws, and reached inside of Sin to pull him closer.

He neededcloser.

His cock pulsed hard and insistent against his prey’s hip and side. Harder and more insistent than he’d ever been in his life.

It wasn’t simply the need for a mate he felt now. No. He refused to believe that there was any such need at all with this male.

With anyone.

But somehow, what he felt was even more urgent and compelling. The need to dominate, own, ravage and destroy.

The need to master someone who was his equal in every way. Just as strong. Whose will was just as hard and unyielding.

He wanted to pit himself against all that carefully controlled power simmering just beneath the surface of the Hunter’s skin. He could see it fighting to be unleashed in the distended veins pulsing in the male’s beautiful, corded throat.

The Dark base of Sin made his fangs elongate and sharpen in his mouth, ready to sink into succulent flesh. Ready to puncture a big fat vein so he could gorge on the blood of his prize to his heart’s content.

Fucking was on his mind too, he couldn’t deny it.

Fucking was just another form of dominance in this case. To make this powerful male submit to him, willing or not.

His cock kicked and oozed at the mere thought. He wanted to fight and fuck the male so badly his very bones ached with need.