“Can you climb out on your own?” Zai asked gruffly, holding that intense, though unreadable gaze.

The pit’s sides were rough enough with rocks and roots to get a foothold on. Zai wouldn’t be able to be much help to haul the liger out. Even lean as he was, Sin was still many times Zai’s body weight. Even if he shifted to man, Zai wouldn’t be able to carry himandhaul them both out of the pit without some ingenuity.

The fact was: Zai had lost his dragon shift.

He felt it the moment he jumped into the Mirror Pond. Felt his forehead burn with the loss of the invisiblechimuembedded there.

Dragons were not meant to exist on earth. He’d fulfilled his duty when he transformed to save the Eagle King. He could have stayed dragon if he remained in the Celestial Realm.

But that was not his home. Not any longer.

This was.

Wherever Sin was, was where he belonged.

The Beast suddenly lurched to his feet, shaking the metal net off fully. He favored the wounded paw, but he managed to hobble back a couple of steps. Looking up at the top of the pit, he narrowed his eyes and tensed his body, gathering strength.

With one great bound followed by another, he leapt onto the side of the pit. Keeping the momentum in his leaps, his claws giving him leverage, he managed to pull himself up the rocky wall and over the ledge, his back paws scrambling as he reached the top, barely able to keep from falling back down.

But he made it! He was out.

Zai followed immediately behind, climbing the wall using two long daggers as anchors and the exposed roots as steps.

When he cleared the top, Sin was waiting on his haunches, simply staring. He still hadn’t spoken, and he didn’t shift to man.

Zai had no idea what he was thinking.

The liger had never hidden his emotions or thoughts from Zai. Whether fury, vengeance, curiosity, playfulness, or incendiary lust. This was the first time Zai didn’t know where he stood with the Beast.

Well, at least Sin didn’t seem to view him as his next meal. But why did he just sit there watching? Why didn’t hedosomething?

Sin had always been the one to take the initiative. He’d goaded, taunted, pursued and possessed Zai in ways Zai had never allowed anyone before. He was at a loss, now that Sin just sat back and waited.

What was he waiting for?

Zai stalled for time by tossing the dead bodies of the mercenaries that hadn’t disintegrated to ashes into the pit. He didn’t need witnesses for what he was about to do, even though they were already dead and beyond judgement.

Dead eyeballs were still eyeballs.

When he was done, he scratched the back of his neck, feeling awkward and confused. The liger’s stare was too intense to hold, so he looked everywhere but directly at Sin.

Blowing out a breath, he said in a low voice, eyes cast down, “We’re even now. I don’t owe you anything. You don’t owe me.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sin stiffen.


This wasn’t what he meant to say. Why did he have such difficulty expressing himself?

Zai swallowed and gathered his courage to lay it all out. He’d never felt so vulnerable and…afraid…in his life as he spoke the next words:

“I mean…what I mean is…we aren’t tied by vengeance or debt. Anymore. At least, I don’t think you still hate me for having been…what I was. The Queen’s Master Hunter. And I don’t…I can’t change what happened. I can’t give back your mate. I know I’m not much…”

He gestured to himself with a brusque flick of his hand.

Worn, scarred, and ugly. Not in possession of any skills beyond hunting and fighting. Clearly lacking in humor, wit and eloquence.

Honestly, he didn’t know why the Beast had desired him.