Suddenly, Zai wanted it too.

“Now,” the woman said briskly, snapping her fingers.

Though nothing observable happened, everything seemed to change. Time moved forward again.

She turned to Sol, whose scowl deepened with impatience.

“I have what you need, Beast. I do not require coins, but you may leave them if you must. Give me your arm instead. I have a parting gift…”

And when Sol did, as if compelled by some unknown force, a deep growl vibrated from his chest as he gritted his teeth in visible agony.

Before Zai’s eyes, ancient runes seared themselves into the Eagle King’s arm, from the back of his hand all the way up the side of his neck and face, ending at his hairline.

Ben gasped at the sight, eyes widening. They could smell the scent of burning flesh. It must be as painful as it looked.

But the Eagle King simply took it in stride. He shook his arm out a little but otherwise ignored it. Without another word, he took the items the old woman laid out for him and ducked out of the tent.

Ben gaped at the old woman as he turned to depart as well.

Her eyes swirled as she regarded him.

“See you in time, child.”

Ben left hurriedly after Sol.

She looked at Zai next.

“And you,Hunter, if you so choose.”

Heart pounding, pulse racing, blood roaring, Zai left too.

The moment he ducked out, Sin stepped into him, chest to chest, one of the male’s big hands collaring the back of Zai’s neck.

All right?The Beast asked telepathically, his golden eyes searching Zai’s.

As Zai stared back, he suddenlyknew.

He knew exactly what his Destiny was meant to be.

~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~

Everything accelerated after that.

If time had suspended while they were in the Gray Witch’s tent, it sped up again to catch up the moment they left.

Ben felt like he was shell-shocked in a bomb blast.

He couldn’t hear but a muffled roar droning in his ears. The sights around him blurred except for the precision with which he could see Sin, Zai and Sol, like a camera zooming in.

It felt like he was dream walking. It didn’t seem real.

He watched like a bystander, a theater-goer, at the unfolding of his own life as he lived it.

He watched Sol enter the Tournament successfully. He didn’t even try to talk the Eagle King out of it any more.

What happened must happen, right?

The past could not be changed.