Day One of waitingfor the bond to break, there’s a number of follow up emails from Gwen in Monster Resources after the incident.

I kind of parse through them slowly, only half taking in what she has to say. A lot of it is legal jargon that boils down to the company not assuming any responsibility for what happened, despite it happening on the premises.

When I click back to my inbox, there’s an email from Khent. It takes me a moment to realize it’s him.

‘Dear Ms. Kelsey,

Per our meeting with MR, I would like to reach out and formally apologize for the mess I’ve involved you in, and the personal nature of the entanglement. I realize it’s not the most pleasant of interruptions to one’s work day, and that for humans, the sudden nature of a bond can be highly uncomfortable.

While I hope you understand that I never could have seen this coming, I do hope you know how deeply I regret putting you in such a position. Thanks for coming to Monsters Resources with me to figure out a solution quickly.

Warmest regards,

Khent Rhaen

4th Floor IT Department’

I think I hate him. How dare he write a perfectly composed email about this? I nearly managed to bury the memory of his tongue against my clit under a bottle of white wine and 3/4 of a double cheese pizza and six hours of HGTV shows about people who do not deserve beachside property, and now there’s an email, dredging it all back up.

And now I have to respond to this, when we could have just silently decided yesterday never happened and never had to give each other another thought.

Hell, I have a hard enough time writing regular emails. I don’t know what the professional words are for ‘I’m also really sorry for getting so insanely horny in front of you, won’t happen again.’

Not to mention I still owe him an apology for elbowing his face.

‘It’s fine, really,’ I write back after maybe an hour of deliberating over word choice and marinating in a puddle of self-loathing.‘And it’s really my fault for getting between you and that stuck drawer.’

When I come back from lunch, there’s a short reply from him. Somehow its terseness is warmer than the formality of his first email.

‘Well, you saved me from a worse fate, mate-bonding with a defective file cabinet.’

I snort, and then choke when I scroll down a bit more.

‘I also wanted to apologize for the... encounter in your office when I came up to bring you to MR.’

My face burns at that line. Encounter. What a way to rephrase ‘my mouth intimately buried in your cunt’.

I’m not about to get all tied up in knots over what happened in my office. I’m a grown adult. Supernatural horniness or not, I’ll be responsible for my own choices to have sex at work.

It wouldn’t be the first time, but I am determined that it will be the last.

‘I don’t think either of us were prepared for the intensity of the fever,’I type out. I chew my lip a little, before I start hitting the backspace key, erasing all of it.

Maybe it was just me who couldn’t handle it. He had seemed so contained until I was essentially fingering myself in front of him.