Page 10 of Until Him

“Help yourself,” Theo mutters bitterly.

His voice sounds like the taste of black coffee. Theo needs some creamer in his life to lighten up. I’ll bring him some next time.

I don’t have the mental capacity to deal with his negativity this early, so I just ignore him and make my way to where he’s sitting on the ground. Theo already has my chemistry book sprawled across his lap and that notorious pencil behind his ear when I lower myself down next to him. He wears that thing like an accessory. What does he even write with it? Because he doesn’t use it to write notes with me. He uses the whiteboard for that.

I wonder if he fished that marker out from under the bed.

I glance around the apartment and note that Curie is nowhere to be seen. It makes me feel a little wary. She’s probably spying on me from some shadowed corner, plotting my murder.

“Okay, so let’s start up where we left off…” Theo begins, and once again, like magic, he explains everything so simply. He’s brilliant, even at this ungodly hour. In between gulps of coffee, I’m writing as fast as I can. I interrupt occasionally to ask questions when I need more explanation, and he elaborates.

Theo is ridiculously good. He needs to start a YouTube channel so that chumps like me stand a chance in the real world.

When the book slams shut an hour later, I just blink at him in complete awe.

“You should be a professor,” I blurt, and Theo eyes me.

“I’m going to be a pharmacologist.”

My eyebrows meet. “Oh.” Don’t know what the fuck that is. I think it’s kind of like a drug dealer, but fancier.

Theo watches me for a moment and then stands up, stretching his long limbs.

“Alright, on the bed again. On your side this time.”

My hands start to sweat as I ask, “Shirt off?”


I bob my head as I push myself up and then lie down on the bed. I prop my head up with my hand, watching as Theo peels himself out of the boxers. His balls swing heavily between his legs as he crawls his way over to me, and then he lies down in front of me, his back pressed against my chest, his ass against my crotch.

“Jerk me off again,” he says, and I lean a little closer, my knees knocking into the back of his as I reach over and cup his flaccid dick in my palm.

I wonder why he’s never hard to begin with. Is he not attracted to me? He did say I was ordinary.

Maybe he doesn’t like my face. Maybe that’s why he’s facing away from me this time.

For some reason, that kind of hurts my feelings. I mean, I think I’m kind of hot, and I have curly hair which chicks dig. But Theo isn’t a chick. Maybe I’m just not his type.

I play with him a little and he gets hard, but it’s a slow process and takes a lot of work. When he’s fully erect, I begin pumping him feverishly like last time, and I make sure to add in that little twist at the end, my thumb brushing against his tip. I can tell he likes that because he presses his ass into me, and lets out a soft moan. I do it again, and he leans back further, his head falling against my bicep and I’m helpless to do anything but stare down at his face.

The more I look at him, the more I realize he’s handsome, with a straight nose, a chiseled jawline, fair skin, and long dark eyelashes. And the pink flush to his cheeks as he pants through parted lips makes me want to…well, it kinda makes me want to kiss him or something.

He thrusts into my palm, and I move my gaze toward where our bodies connect.

It’s so different doing this with him. He’s all hard with sharp angles. There’s nothing soft about him…except his dick before I start playing with it.

And maybe his balls.

Speaking of…I let go of his dick and roll his balls in my palm, and he inhales shakily. I tug on them like I know he likes, and he hisses, his eyes popping open.

“My dick only,” he snaps, and I sigh, grabbing onto him again. Damn, he’s so bossy and controlling. Does this guy even like to experiment, or does sex always have to be his way?

Theo’s eyelids flutter closed again, and he nibbles on his bottom lip.

“Tighter,” he adds, his tongue peeking out and wetting his lips.

I clasp him firmer in my grip, jerking him off with a purpose, and he groans.