Page 73 of Until Him

Theo begins to protest, but I squeeze the back of his neck and his mouth snaps shut.

Thirty minutes later, we’re getting in my car with a dozen eggs and a large bag of vegetables. When we’re back on the road, Theo says softly, “You have a nice family.”

“I do.”

“You’re very lucky.”

I watch him fidget with that pencil of his and then he pulls the chemistry book from the backseat and starts going over concepts once more. Again, he blows my mind with how easy he makes it all seem. I listen attentively, for the most part. If I’m distracted, it’s because I don’t like how distant he’s being.

Has this weekend changed nothing? He met my fucking parents. Does that mean nothing to him?

The past two days have changed things for me, that’s for sure; everything has changed.

“You don’t have to walk me up,” Theo blurts as I shift Ms. Chevelle into park in front of his apartment complex. I shut the ignition off and stare at him.

“I’ll carry your bag up for you because I’m a gentleman,” I tell him, and he wets his lips.

“Fine, but you’re not coming inside.”

I roll my eyes and push the door open, grab his duffle bag from the trunk, and then slam it closed. I stomp up the stairs to his apartment and Theo follows behind, holding the eggs and vegetables, but he’s not close enough. I want him on top of me. All the time.

As soon as he unlocks his apartment door, he turns to face me, his hand outstretched for his bag.

I sigh and hand it to him. Asshole really is reverting back to the way things were, and I hate it more than I care to admit.

“You’re really not going to let me in?” I pout.


I run a hand through my hair and his eyes are drawn to the movement.

“Nothing’s changed for you, huh?”

“No. This weekend was a…distraction. Like we said it would be. It has to go back to normal now.”

What the fuck is normal? I open my mouth to ask but Theo just closes the door in my face. I stand there staring at it, and I can hear him shuffling around, and then nothing. Silence.

Why does he always have to push me away? I can’t fucking stand it. Maybe it’s because I grew up in such an open family where emotions were shared readily, that Theo’s reserved nature bothers me.

It’s okay to feel, Theo.

I pace the hallway for a few seconds and then make a decision.

I grab onto the door handle and shove the unlocked door open, and it bangs into the wall from the force.

Theo is right there, standing in the middle of the room, that damn pencil between his lips, his eyes following me as I approach.

I kick the door closed behind me and move toward him.

“Get the fuck out,” he whispers, the pencil dropping onto the floor.

“I’m not leaving.”

I slide my hand around the back of his head and pull him into me, my lips smashing onto his.

He stiffens for a moment but then just melts into me as I tilt my head and lick my way into his mouth. I groan loudly as my dick hardens, and I push my groin up against his.

My hands slide down his back and roughly clutch onto his ass, lifting him. His long legs lock behind my back as I walk us to the bed.