Page 66 of Until Him

“Afraid of a little rain? You live in the water,” Landon teases.

“I could do that,” I interject before Finn can protest. I need to get out of this house. I need to breathe, to clear my head. “I’ve never been to the Mystery Spot.”

“Awesome. You’re going to love it. Plus, I already bought us all tickets.”

Finn reaches out and cups the back of Landon’s neck, squeezing it gently.

“I want you to take it easy.”

Landon rolls his eyes. “I am. I always take it easy. You won’t let me do anything else.”

Finn’s hand lingers and Landon just leans into him a little.

It’s a little awkward watching the two of them together, in their little intimacy bubble, so I avert my gaze. It’s not for me to see anyway.

A few minutes later, Logan emerges from the bathroom. He’s shirtless and looks like a fucking god.

Ugh, I’m such a sucker for him. Can he see it, my desperation?

“We’re going to the Mystery Spot after we grab food,” Landon tells him and my eyes snag on his brother.

“Yeah?” Logan asks and pulls on a shirt, slowly hiding away those glorious abs. “Have you been, Theo?”

I clear my throat and shake my head. “No.”

“Well, this will be fun then.”

“I can be ready in ten,” I tell them, moving into the bathroom and closing the door. I lean back against the wall and slam my eyes shut.

I can do this today. I am strong. I can keep my walls up. I’ve crafted them so carefully; one man cannot possibly knock them down.



Theo appearsout of the bathroom sooner than expected wearing tight jeans and another oversized sweater. It seems to be his outfit of choice—when he’s actually fully clothed, that is—and I have to say, it’s a hot look on him.

We’re left waiting for Landon to get ready. Finn, of course, disappears into his room with him, leaving me alone with Theo.

He moves to the sofa bed and pulls out that damn journal, writing frantically in it. I scoot a little closer to try to sneak a peek.

“What are you doing?” he asks, closing it off from my prying eyes.


“You were trying to look,” Theo says, and I nudge him with my hip.

“Can you blame me? You’re all mysterious and shit. What are you writing about in there?”

He tucks the journal away and shakes his head. “Nothing.”

“You writing about me?”

Theo’s cheeks darken and I reach out and tug on a strand of his hair.

“I’d write about you too, if I had a journal,” I admit because I so would. He makes me so curious. I’d just list out all the questions I have about him. They’d take up hundreds of pages.

Theo’s eyes snap up to mine and my thumb traces his cheek.