Page 35 of Until Him

My head rears back. “Nah.”

“Then get the fuck away from me.”

He’s getting worked up, his cheeks flushed, his eyes wide, and I hold my hands up, feeling my heart sink a little. Because I thought we’d made progress this week, or something.

It seems I was wrong.

“Alright, man. Calm down. I’ll back off.”

He blows out a breath, running his hands roughly through his hair. He glances at me briefly but his eyes don’t reflect his anger, they just look sad. He suddenly turns and jogs down the street, his long legs carrying him away quicker than I thought possible, and before I know it, he’s disappeared.

Part of me wants to go after him, but the asshole called me dumb. He’s not the first person to do that, but it still kind of hurts my feelings. Especially, coming from someone who’s supposed to be helping me learn.

But hell, maybe I am dumb for wanting to be friends with him. I should have just let him be and pretended like I didn’t see him in the stands watching me, waiting for me.


Why do I even care?

I make my way back inside the restaurant and it’s like nothing is amiss. No one’s noticed Theo’s gone. It bothers me more than it should. I drink my old fashioned slowly, making small talk with my friends, but underneath, I’m still simmering in my frustration with Theo.

Needless to say, I take my time showing up at his apartment later that evening. It’s a wonder I even bother at all, but my grade in this class means too much to me. I’m not going to let him fuck shit up for me because he has some issues. I’ve been nothing but nice to him.

It’s eight o’clock when I knock on his door, two hours past our meeting time, and I half-expect him not to answer.

When he opens the door though, he looks completely wrecked.

His eyes are bloodshot, and his clothes are rumpled—well, what little clothes he’s wearing. He’s barely covered in only a pair of short athletic shorts that look too small against his long legs and a sweater that’s unzipped and hangs off one shoulder.

“You’re late,” he mutters.

I shrug. “Yeah, I’m dumb. Couldn’t tell time.”

Theo eyes me and then opens the door a little more. “Logan—”

“Nah, I know what you meant. Can’t take it back now. I’m just a dumb jock, right?” I try for lighthearted but I know it comes out as passive-aggressive.

Yeah, so he for sure hurt my feelings. I’m sensitive like that.

I sink down to the floor in front of his bed and open my textbook, my eyes stinging slightly.

“Better explain it to me like I’m five since my brain isn’t as big as yours,” I mutter, blinking away the moisture. “Well, at least now I know what you really think about me.”

Theo stands above me, eyeing me, and then runs a hand over his face. “Stop it.”

I glower up at him because I’m pissed, but still, my dick twitches in my pants. I’ve been jacking off to thoughts of him for the past few days and my dick obviously doesn’t know how to be mad at him. It still wants him. Stupid dick.

“Nah, don’t think I will.”

Theo looks away, his jaw clenching.

I run my tongue across my front teeth. “Is that what you think about all jocks, that we’re dumb? Is that why you didn’t want to hang out with my friends? You think you’re better than all of us because you’re smarter?”

He refuses to look at me and I kick at his foot.

“Too scared to look at me, huh?” I ask. “You afraid of me now? Iambigger than you. I could take you. Maybe you should be scared, I could tear you apart. You’re skinny and frail.”

His eyes bore into mine. “Shut up.”