Page 33 of Until Him


Theoand I walk into the restaurant side by side, but not before I pulled his car door open and nearly had to pick him up to get him moving. He looked like he was ready to become one with the seat.

“Let’s sit here,” I say, pointing to two empty chairs at a long table slowly filling with my friends. When he doesn’t budge, I pull the chair out and press on his shoulders to get him to sit, but his knees lock, and I have to knock into them gently with my own to get them to bend.

Man, oh, man.

It’s obvious he doesn’t want to be here. I just don’t know why. Everyone has been really friendly. But I saw the way he was when they converged around him, slapping their hands against his. He froze, his body growing rigid. It almost looked like he was afraid.

I’ll need to ask him about that later, not that he’ll tell me anything. The man is a closed book and every time I get a peek under the cover, he snaps it shut.

“What do you want to drink?” I ask, leaning into him. He smells fresh and sweet, like fruit and that soap he uses. I like it. So does my dick, apparently.

“A shot of vodka.”

“Damn,” I say with a chuckle. “You’re going down swinging.”

“Make that a glass of vodka,” he amends, and I hold up my hand, getting the waitress’s attention.

She comes sauntering over, all hips and boobs, like a fucking hourglass. I eye her a little and she smiles widely. Yeah, she’s noticed, and I’ve noticed. I can’t help it. I can admire a work of art.

“This guy will have a shot of vodka, and I’ll have an old-fashioned, please.”

She winks at me, and I smirk at her. But before I can flirt a little, another woman approaches me. I can tell who it is just by the scent of her perfume.

“Hey, Logan,” Tiff says, fluttering her eyelashes at me.

“Hey Tiff,” I say, pressing a kiss to her cheek when she leans over to hug me. “Where you been, girl? You ghosting me?”

“Never, I’ve just been busy. You know how it is. But I’m never too busy for you.”

“True. True,” I say, laughing.

“Hey, you free after? Maybe we can hang out?”

I eye Theo, who is fidgeting with a discarded straw, his eyes glued to the tabletop.

“Can’t do that. I have plans after this, but maybe another time.”

She beams at me, one of her plump lips between her teeth, and then flutters away like a pretty little butterfly. I admit I do watch her go. She has a nice round ass.

When she’s fully out of sight, I turn my gaze to Theo, who’s looking everywhere but at me.

“Hey, man. Sorry about that. You know how it is….”

“No. Actually, I don’t.”

My eyebrows meet at the venom in his voice. I mean, Theo isn’t like…traditionally attractive, but he’s hot in his own way. He’s tall, lean, and toned with a sweet face and big eyes. If he wasn’t scowling all the time and throwing out the “don’t come near me” vibe, he’d easily attract more attention.

I can see guys being into him. Hell, my dick is really into him.

“Right, yeah,” I say, trying to distract myself from thoughts of Theo naked. “Um, I have some good news. I meant to tell you earlier, but I got sidetracked. I got a C on that chem test you were helping me study for.”

His eyes snap up to mine, and he nods. “Good for you.”

“Yeah, man. That’s all you.” I lean over and say quietly, “So glad I decided to suck your dick for tutoring.”

His eyes widen slightly, and he glances around, but no one is paying us any attention. It’s too loud in here for anyone to hear what I said. Our little secret is still safe. Finn might blab to Landon, but he won’t say a word to anyone else. I know that much.