Page 105 of Until Him

“I think at the end of this, if anyone ends up broken, it will be me,” Logan mutters against my mouth and then just buries his face in my neck.

Oh, sweet Logan, how would that even be possible?

Have the tables turned so much?

I unlink my ankles from around his back and just let him press against me until we hear our names being called from the porch.

“We should go back,” he says and steps away, eyeing me warily.

Then he extends his hand and I am helpless to do anything, but link my fingers through his.

* * *

We spend the afternoon lounging around and snacking, and then we take a short walk around the block. Logan holds my hand the entire time, like we’re together…like this is a totally normal thing we do now.

I’m not sure exactly when everything changed. But it has. It’s flipped my world upside down.

When we make it back from the walk, I hole up in Logan’s room, scribbling on the last few pages of my journal, trying to get it all out as Logan, Landon, and Finn leave to see a movie at the local theatre.

I flaked and said I didn’t feel well, when in reality, I was feeling too much.

I just need a few hours alone to process everything and figure out how I need to proceed with Logan.

A knock on the bedroom door has me setting my journal down and pulling it open. Standing on the other side is Logan’s dad with a backpack over his shoulders.

Basil turns a little, showing me a content Curie licking her paw and ignoring me completely.

My god, is that a Petpod? Is he carrying Curie around on his back now?

The little brat is getting spoiled to death. First Logan with his incessant gifts, and now she’s being toted around like she’s Cleopatra.

She’ll never want to come home with me now. I won’t be able to find her to get her in the carrier on Sunday.

“It has a built-in fan too,” he tells me, and my eyes widen in disbelief.

Jesus Christ. Who are these people?

“I just came to see if you wanted to help me in the greenhouse. Thought Curie would like it.”

I eye him, completely flabbergasted. Do I want to go pull up veggies in the greenhouse? No, not really. But do I want to see if this man will give me any insight into Logan? Hell yes, I do.

“Sure, let me grab my shoes,” I say.

I quickly toe them on and follow Basil down the stairs, outside, and into the large windowed greenhouse. When we enter, the humidity hits me immediately, and Basil pulls the backpack off his shoulder and opens the pod so Curie can hop out.

“She’s a great cat,” he tells me.

“She is,” I say. I rescued her shortly after my mom died. I just needed company, and someone to snuggle with…not that she ever really lets me snuggle with her.

But those times, in the middle of the night, when my grief was too much and sobs would rack my body, she’d curl up next to my head and purr.

She has her own way of comforting me. Most of the time though, she just ignores me or yells at me for not feeding her twelve times a day.

Basil runs a hand across his broad chest and smiles dopily at me. I’m fifty percent sure he’s still high. I saw him eating brownies earlier and I think they were laced with something.

“How about you help me pull some carrots and onions?”

“Um, sure,” I say, moving to his side.