Page 5 of Until Him

He sighs loudly. “Her name is Curie.”

“Oh….” I say, trying to figure out if this is like a play on words or something. I come up with nothing. Maybe he likes Indian food or some shit.

“Marie Curie was a female scientist.” When my face registers that I still don’t know what the hell he’s talking about, he rolls his eyes. “Never mind.”

I eye the cat once more and she suddenly turns and jumps onto the bed. She turns her neck to look back at me and flicks her tail as if proudly displaying her butthole.

Ok, maybe I was wrong about the cat. Maybe the cat is just as odd as Theo. Maybe they feed off of each other’s strangeness.

“After services are rendered, we’ll fuck,” Theo says suddenly, and I flinch, my asshole clenching tightly.

Shit. Is this guy for real? He’s more efficient than the local drug dealer back home…and that guy even has a website.

I wonder if Theo has one too.

Will tutor for anal.

I bob my head all casual, even though my heart thumps wildly in my chest. “Cool. Sounds good.”

“We’ll shake on it,” he says and then holds out his hand. I stare at it before slipping mine inside of his. He has nice fucking hands—warm and strong with long fingers that curl around mine, and I suddenly wonder what they’d feel like wrapped around my dick.

He pumps our clasped hands twice, completely oblivious to where my mind has gone, thank God, and then gestures toward the floor.

“We’ll sit here and work. Is that good enough fortheLogan Lewis?”

Okay, I know when a dude is mocking me. But there’s no need. Really, this kid can just chill.

“Yeah, it’s cool,” I say, trying not to sound irritated, because what else am I supposed to do? Complain? I have a feeling that wouldn’t go down well.

I’m in this for the long haul; I’m committed.

I slide onto the floor and lean back against the edge of the bed. Then I extend my legs and set my laptop and chemistry book on my thighs. They’re pretty thick thighs, if I do say so, like a nice little tabletop. It’s from treading water all day long. Oh, and I can’t forget those killer squats Coach makes us do.

He’s a bit of a sadist, I think.

I wonder if Theo is impressed. The women I’m with usually are, but what about this guy? What does he think when he looks at me?

I glance up and see him standing across the small room, his eyes on me, the pencil tapping against his lips. Fuck, he’s unnerving. Why does he keep staring at me? I don’t think he’s checking me out, either. I think he’s probably measuring my skin for lampshades.

Maybe he’ll cook up my ass and eat it with a side of broccolini.

“Ready when you are,” I tell him, gesturing to the space next to me.

Theo seems jolted out of whatever reverie he was in and moves to my side. He lowers himself next to me, grabbing onto a small whiteboard and marker on his way down. When he grabs the book off my lap, his hand grazes my leg, and I flinch a little.

Fuck, I’m tense, and we haven’t even done anything yet.

But if he notices my nerves, he says nothing about it. He just calmly looks at me and says, “Tell me what you’re struggling with, and we’ll go from there.”

The cat moves over to where we’re sitting and splays across the floor in front of us, her yellow eyes slowly blinking at me.

Asshole cat…acting all nonchalant about this whole situation.

I wet my lips and then explain to Theo what I don’t understand, which is basically everything. I don’t even know if he can understand the shit flowing out of my mouth right now. I ramble on for a couple minutes and whatever I’m saying sounds like gibberish to even my own ears. I’m not sure I’m even speaking English.

“So—” he stops me mid-sentence, “you need help with pretty much everything,” he mutters, running a hand through his hair. “I should have known. You better be really good with your mouth.”

“I’ve never had any complaints,” I reply. “One girl even said,‘Logan, your mouth was made in heaven.’”