Page 44 of Until Him

Carlos leans into me, his eyes wide behind his glasses. “So, are you two like a thing? Is it this big secret?”

“No,” I reply, collapsing my umbrella.

“Pfft. You looked like a thing.”

“Jesus, Carlos. Can you leave it alone?”

Of course, he doesn’t listen. “You’ve kissed him, huh? Or done…other things?” His dark eyes home in on me.

I refuse to answer, but my blushing cheeks tell all.

“Ah, I knew it. Logan Lewis, man. Who knew he was into guys.”

I roll my eyes and continue to remain silent. I will not be divulging what Logan and I do behind closed doors.

It’s my little secret.

“You’re really not going to give me anything? Like an itty-bitty tidbit? I’ve had your back all these years….”

“Nope,” I say, popping the P.

“Damn you,” Carlos replies and then nudges me softly. “Alright be all mysterious. Let’s get to work.”

Thankfully, he doesn’t bring it up again, but I know he will eventually. I don’t have many friends; Carlos is as good as it gets. I can trust him as much as I trust anyone—which is practically zilch. Trust is just not something I easily give out.

I’m able to put Logan out of my mind for the rest of the day, until I arrive home and the silence overwhelms me. I’m pulling at my hair and pacing, as thoughts of him nag and nag at me.

I’m going stir-crazy.

Jesus, that man needs to fucking leave my head. I have no idea what it is about him that I can’t let go of. I’ve never had this problem before.

I’ve paused my pacing to get a soda from the fridge and Curie bats something onto my foot. I glance down and see that stupid toy mouse Logan bought her.

Hell, even my cat is reminding me of him.

Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door.

As I move to answer it, my stupid heart flutters in anticipation that maybe it’s Logan on the other side. But when I wrench the door open my heart sinks—just full-on drowns.

Because it’shim.

He lifts a hand and I shake my head in disbelief.

“Hey, son,” my dad says, and I start to close the door, but just like that first day I met Logan, he stops it with an outstretched hand.

I hate it when men use their strength against me like this. It irks me to no end, and makes me feel so defenseless and exposed.

I swallow roughly. “What are you doing here?” I ask, proud that my voice doesn’t break from the stress of it all.

“I was in town….”

Now, I know that’s a lie. He lives like six states over. No, this asshole made a purposeful trip here to see me.

What I don’t understand is why.

“I don’t have time for your lies.”

He looks a little bashful, which only makes my heart flip in my chest. He doesn’t get to look like this.