Page 32 of Until Him

“And homework,” I tack on as we draw closer and closer.

Oh god. It’s hopeless. There’s no escaping it now. Logan just continues to usher me toward his teammates as he says, “Hey, guys. This is my friend Theo. He’s helping me keep my grades up in chem so I can keep playing.”

A chorus ofheysassaults my ears, and a few move in to high-five me. Never in my life have Ieverslapped hands with men like this. I’m awkward and clumsy, and I end up folding my arms across my chest to keep them away from me.

I need them all to back the fuck up.

“Alright, alright,” Logan says, reading the distress on my face. “Back up. He’s like a cat. You gotta give him space.” He then turns and swats one of the guys on the ass.

I frown and force my gaze away. Shit, it shouldn’t matter. Why does it matter?

“We’ll meet you there, yeah?” Logan tells the guys and then gently grabs onto my arm and moves me toward the parking lot.

“Hey, just ride with me. The restaurant is around the corner.”

This is a terrible idea, and yet, I still let him lead me to a black muscle car parked a few yards away.

“Hello, carbon emissions,” I mutter, and Logan rolls his eyes.

“It’s sexy. Admit it. Ms. Chevelle is hot.”

It is hot, I want him to fuck me in the backseat, but I’ll take that little admission to my grave. Mother Earth is too important to acquiesce to this.

“Get in, Theo, and stop overthinking it. It’s just a drink and then back to your place, yeah?”

I stand there frozen because I should not be entertaining this. I need to leave, but then flashes of Logan gently wiping my feverish skin with a washrag infiltrate my mind, and my heart melts a little. Why did he do that? Why did he insist on taking care of me when I’d been nothing but awful to him?

Why does he have to be so fucking perfect when I’m such a hot mess?

When I don’t move, Logan rolls his eyes and moves over to where I’m standing. He wrenches the heavy door open and stuffs me inside and I fuckinglethim manhandle me.

When I’m buckled into the seat and Logan has slid into the driver’s seat, I ask, “Did you restore this?”

He leans back a little, his big hands running across the steering wheel. Fuck, those hands—the way they stroke me.

“Yep. With my uncle. My dad would have done it, but he’d rather grow his own vegetables and sing to the chickens.”

I force my gaze away. “Well, it’s very nice. Impressive.”

“Yeah, it is. Fucking mint, this is,” he brags, then turns the ignition over, and the car starts with a low rumble that vibrates my entire body.

He glances over at me and winks, and my boxers catch fire. They blaze and turn to ash.


As we pull out of the parking spot, a few people wave, and I feel utterly ridiculous…and a little bit like a rock star. Because this is Logan Lewis. I’m going out for drinks with one of the most popular guys on campus; the one guy people fawn and faint over.

And I’ve had my dick in his mouth.

I shift in my seat and glance out the window, trying to keep my wayward thoughts contained, but they flutter like the fall leaves outside.

I’ll go back to the way things were once we get back to my place. I need to.

I will not like this man any more than I should. It’s too dangerous.

He and I don’t mix. Like bleach and vinegar, we’re toxic.
