Page 3 of Until Him

He sweeps a lock of his shaggy brown hair out of his eyes and then crosses his arms over his broad chest. The two of us play on the same team and have been friends since middle school. We’ve been inseparable for years, even choosing to be college roommates. So, he knows me, and it shouldn’t surprise me how well he can read me.

“How the hell did you manage to get yourself into this?” he asks, cocking his head and watching me intently.

Take a good, hard look, buddy. I’m just as confused as you.

“I dunno, man. I’m desperate.”

“So, let me get this straight—no pun intended—you’re going over to some strange dude’s place, and you’re going to fuck around with him in hopes of maybe, hopefully passing a chemistry class?”

I sigh. “Yeah, it’s the only way he’d help me.”

Finn just eyes me like I’ve grown two heads. I probably have. I’m obviously not thinking clearly. Maybe neither of those heads have a brain.

“But you’re not gay.”

“Yeah, so? Sexuality is a squiggly line, right? Maybe I am a little gay or bi or whatever. I just don’t know because I’ve never tried it. I have an open mind. Dicks are cool, and I’m willing to try anything. Hell, maybe I’ll even enjoy it. He’s not bad-looking, you know? His eyes are kind of…eerie, but he’s sort of…hot?”

Finn blinks at me like he can’t understand the words coming out of my mouth.

“Fuckin’ hell,” I mutter, growing just a bit frustrated at how dense he’s being. If anyone is the dense one, it’s me. Not him.

Stop pretending to be me, Finn.

“What else should I do, huh? There’s no one else as good as him. Everyone’s told me this. Even the TA for the class said, ‘Logan, if you want a shot, you need Theo Reign’. Would you rather I sit out for the rest of the season? Because that’s what will happen if I don’t pass this class. My GPA is hanging on for dear life. Coach was yelling at me over it. He brought me to tears, man. I cried like a baby.”

“Jesus, I don’t want you to sit out, Logan, but what this guy is doing has gotta be illegal or some shit. He can’t coerce you into sex. That’s sexual harassment or something.”

“Nah, I don’t think it’s illegal. His tutoring services aren’t affiliated with the school, so I think he can do whatever he wants. He seems a little rogue anyway. But he’s not coercing me and we’re not exchanging money. We came to an agreement. Whatever we do, I’ll be a willing participant.”

Finn plops down next to me and eyes me. “What if you can’t get it up or something? What then?”

“I dunno. I’m not going to worry about that until it happens.”

I try to envision it, bending Theo’s lithe body over and pushing my way inside his tight hole, and my dick twitches in my pants. And then, when I reverse the roles, and I’m the one bent over and taking it up the ass, my dick leaps to attention.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

I am so screwed.

We sit in silence. The only sound is the TV playing softly in the background. Finn fiddles with his phone, twirling it around and around in his hand.

“When do you go over?” he asks suddenly, and I jump. Shit, I’m nervous. If I think too hard about it, I start to sweat. It’s not a good look.

“Tomorrow at six.”

“Wow,” Finn says, and then a small laugh bursts from him. “Hell, man, only this kind of stuff happens to you. I swear to God. You have the worst luck.”

I rub a hand across my jaw. “It’s the family curse. That’s what this is.”

He leans back and laughs loudly because he thinks it’s a joke, but it’s no joking matter. My family is fucking cursed. No one believes me, but it’s a real thing. I’m like the kid in that bookHoles. The cycle never ends.

Just look at my motherfucking luck. My virgin hole is going to get railed by some science nerd just so I can keep my spot on the water polo team. And then look at my brother…

Shit.My brother.

My heart clenches in my chest, and I rub at it. I need to call him or text him or something. I can’t keep avoiding him. It’s been a year since the accident, and I’ve been acting all shifty, and he knows something’s up.

“You should go see him. He misses you,” Finn says, reading my mind.