Page 27 of Until Him

“I won’t fuck her, if that’s what you’re worried about. I won’t fuck anyone until this is over between us. For safety reasons,” I add.

He pulls the blanket around his shoulders a little tighter, and turns toward the wall opposite me. “You can do whatever the hell you want, Logan. Just let me know if you decide to do something that could put me at risk.”

I shake my head and then move toward the door. When I glance over my shoulder, he’s still facing away from me, his gaze trained on the small window, the mug of tea cradled in his hands.

I want to tell him to call me if he needs anything, but I don’t. I just leave him alone.

It seems he likes it better that way.

* * *

I’m a grump. The asshole ruined my double date. All I could think about was Theo, wondering if he was okay—if he put his damn sheets in the dryer—and I don’t know why I even care. He doesn’t give a shit about me.

I’m just a body he can use to get off.

I need to remember that.

I rap softly on his apartment door, adjusting my laptop and textbook in my hands. I fought the urge to bring him breakfast.

He wouldn’t appreciate it anyway.

I brought Curie another toy mouse though, and a can of fancy food from Target. They even had a special fridge for this shit. Cost me a bundle too.

Suddenly the door opens, and Theo is standing in front of me. I stare for a moment and just take him in—long legs, rumpled hair, sweatpants hanging off his hips. He looks a lot better than he did. When I step forward, he moves out of my way. Don’t worry, man, I won’t say anything. Instead, I just hold out the expensive cat food toward him.

“What’s this?”

“For Curie,” I say.

He examines it for a minute and then shakes his head. “What did I say about buying her things?”

I shrug. “Just thought she might like it. You can keep it or toss it, whatever,” I say, moving to our dedicated space on the floor. I lower myself down and Theo shifts on his feet, rolling the can of wet food in his palms.

“Okay,” he finally says, moving to put it in the fridge.

“How was your date?” he asks unexpectedly.

I ignore him as best I can, with him looming over me. It’s not easy when my eyes are dying to roam over him.

I open my book to the page we’d left off last time, and toss the toy mouse over toward Curie, who just eyes it. She’ll probably swat this one under the oven too. The landlord will find a hundred toy mice under there when Theo moves out.

Theo clears his throat. “Did you hear me?”

“Yeah, I heard you,” I reply, refusing to meet his gaze. He was the one who wanted this distance between us. “And it was fine.”

He sinks down next to me, a pained hiss escaping his lips. And there my resentment goes, right out the window. I never was good at holding onto that.

“What happened?” I ask, concern flooding me as my eyes dart over his body.

Theo shakes his head, a wince marring his features. “Nothing.”

“Nah, you hurt yourself.”

“I’m fine,” he grits out, and I roll my eyes.

“Where does it hurt?” I ask, and he sighs, tugging his shirt up and showing me a large bruise on his side, right below the tattoo.

“God, what happened?”