Page 1 of Until Him



“You needa tutor if you’re going to pass this class.” My chemistry professor’s voice echoes in my head, and it’s only overpowered by my coach’s gruff one. “If your GPA falls any lower, we’ll have to bench you.”

Fuck me.

This is impossible. I run a hand through my damp, curly hair and sigh.

You would think I’ve made it this far at UC Berkeley because I’m smart. Nah, I’m only here because I was recruited to play on their competitive water polo team and I’m the motherfucking best at what I do. I can swim faster than all those assholes out there. I can chuck the ball across the entire pool. I can tread water for hours. I’m a winner. Winning is all I know how to do.

Except, when it comes to academics, I am drowning.

My head is barely above the water, and I am sinking fast. I need a life raft.

Case in point, as I stand in the grungy hallway and rap my knuckles against the apartment door in front of me. I need this. I need him, and only him. Theo Reign. The best science tutor on campus. It is said that he works miracles, and at this point, a goddamn miracle is the only thing that will save me.

If I fail chemistry, I lose my spot on the team, and then I have nothing left.I am nothing without water polo.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I quickly glance at it.

Shit, my mom. I’ll call her later—if I work up the courage.

I hear the soft thud of footsteps make their way toward me, and the door is wrenched open. My eyes land on a tall, lanky guy with messy brown hair and pale blue eyes. He’s not wearing a shirt, allowing me to take in the lean muscles of his abdomen and a large script tattoo that stretches across his entire right side.

“Who the fuck are you?” he rasps, irritation lining his voice. He shoves the pencil he’s holding behind his ear and folds his arms across his chest. His sweatpants are hanging low on his narrow hips and they look like they’re in danger of falling right off.

“Uh, hi there. I’m looking for Theo.” I say, forcing my gaze up to his eyes.

“I’m Theo. What do you want?”

“Hey man,” I say, plastering on a wide smile, trying my best to make a good first impression. “I’m Logan. I was told to come see you for tutoring and—”

He holds up a hand and shakes his head. “No. Nope. I don’t have time to help you. You look like a lost cause. My schedule is full. I’m booked out through next year.”

Slightly stunned, I huff out a breath and rub the back of my neck. I mean, no one ever says no to me. It’s never happened and never will. I eventually get them all to come around.

I’m charming as hell, a motherfucking prince.I coyly peek up at him with a small smile.

“Yeah, man, I understand that. But you came highly recommended, and I can’t fail this class. I can’t drop it, either. It’s past the withdrawal period. I don’t think I have any other options.”

I mean, I do have other tutoring options, but none are as good as this guy. He helped one of my teammates pass chemistry last year, and that guy was the real lost cause. Like incredibly lost—out to fucking sea with the sharks. I can still see the shore at least.

“The hell,” he huffs, his light blue eyes inspecting mine, and for a moment, I think he’s going to give in, but then he just arches an eyebrow at me. “That’s not my problem, is it? Sometimes the weak just need to fail. It’s a good life lesson for those of you who think you’re invincible.”

I frown at those words. I’ve heard that one too many times, but I’m not giving up yet. I’m not a quitter. This is my life on the line here. Water polo is everything to me. It’s what I was born to do.

“Come on, name your price. Everyone has a price. I’ll pay double. I’ll pay anything.”

He narrows his eyes and moistens his lips, his gaze moving slowly from the top of my head all the way down to my toes. He’s sizing me up, I realize, and my back straightens a bit under his scrutiny.

“I don’t want your money.”

I open my mouth to protest but then he says, “I’ll agree to tutor you if you let me fuck you.”

My jaw drops open and my muscles tense. He’s smirking, his steely gaze boring into mine, a challenge twinkling in them.

“What the hell? I’m not even gay.”