Page 30 of Luke

August blushes bright red as Emery bumps Sem’s fist and then mine. Because congratulations are in order, especially when it comes to getting some.

Which I have not been getting.

I am on a sexual fast, and my dick notices. It’s aching in a not-fun way. The other day, I came in my pants when I took a nap in my truck. I woke up feeling like I was twelve years old all over again.

I’ve taken to bringing a change of underwear with me when I leave the house because I’m dreaming of Eli all the time. I should probably stop looking at all those damn sexy pictures he’s been sending me.

They aren’t even explicit, but I imagine they are. The one where he’s biting his finger, I imagine it’s my dick. But instead of biting, maybe just a little nibble. Really, anywhere in the vicinity of his lips and tongue would be good. I’m not picky.

There was one picture where he had his hand on the button of his pants, serious eyes and a firm jaw, and he looked so goddamn authoritative. I imagined him bending me over and giving me a stern talking to.

If he ever sent me an actual nude pic, I’d probably come right on the spot, just jizz right across my phone screen.

I shift on my feet and tuck Elliot further into me. He has no idea what he does to me.

“It’s always the quiet ones, huh?” I murmur and smirk.

“Oh yeah, totally. Like, it’s the best kind of surprise,” Emery says with a cheery smile, obviously referring to his new boyfriend.

Magnus interrupts our side conversation by clearing his throat. “Okay, enough of this. Let’s go inside and get food because we have a reservation for laser tag at two, and Luke eatsfor fucking ever. The kitchen needs time to accommodate his order.”

“That’s right. I’m a growing boy,” I say and pull Elliot up the stairs. He pretends to resist, but he still walks right up into the diner with me without a fuss.

“You’re trying to hide it, but I know you’re having a fucking blast,” I say in his ear.

“I am not,” he grumbles as he slides into a booth, and I move in next to him, handing him a menu. He stares down at it as the others pile in around us.

When we’re all ordering, Emery asks me if I have any tattoos. I tell him that I do, right on the back of my thigh.

“It’s a mermaid,” I say. “A fucking big one too. All colorful and intricate.”

Emery wiggles in his seat, looking like an excitable puppy, and I quickly decide I like him. Kinda want to boop him on the nose.

I can feel Elliot eyeing me. He didn’t know about my tattoo because he hasn’t seen the back of my thigh.


But I can tell he’s intrigued.

I lean toward him and whisper in his ear, “I’ll show it to you if you want. I’ll pull my pants down and bend over so you can get on your knees and examine it, Doc.”

He clears his throat and I don’t miss how his face pinkens. “No, thank you,” he mutters as our food is brought out.

“Let me know if you change your mind,” I say and waggle my eyebrows at him. Because I would very much like him behind me in any way, shape, or form. Preferably naked.

Doing things with his tongue and his hands.

I’ve fully accepted it now.

There’s no going back.

Like Caleb said, my dick is never wrong.

Elliot ignores my stare and just nibbles his food like a little bird. I eye August and Emery and watch how August feeds his guy. He slips a french fry right into Emery’s mouth, and for a moment, I’m envious.

I turn toward Elliot, and open my mouth wide.

Elliot scoffs, “I’m not feeding you. You’re not my boyfriend.”