Page 3 of Luke

“For what? You already got your coffee, if that sugar concoction you ordered actually passes for coffee.”

“Getting another. I could drink like ten of those. Gives me the shits, but damn, it’s worth it.”

“That can’t be good for your heart, or your bowels.”

“Ah, worried about me, Doc?” Then I scoot closer to him, despite the threat of getting another elbow to my abs. They can handle it. I’ve dealt withwayworse. Like that one time I flew off my ATV and broke most of my ribs. Or, the time my brother shot me point-blank in the stomach with a potato gun.

“What’s your name?” I ask, leaning toward him and whispering it in his ear.

He sighs and folds his arms across his chest. “If I tell you, will you go away?”

I shrug, lingering like an idiot.

He turns to observe me and when I refuse to budge, he murmurs, “Elliot.”

I beam at his acceptance that this is a thing. We are so friends now. “Elliot. I’m Luke.”

He stares at my extended hand and then slowly places his in mine. I squeeze his palm gently, feeling his soft skin slide against mine. Damn, he has nice hands.

Suddenly, he tugs his hand away before turning to face the counter.

“Now,” he says sternly. “Say ‘thank you’ and be on your way, Luke.”

“Nah,” I mutter, feeling defiant. “Doc Elliot. You’ve piqued my interest, and I need answers. I can’t leave until I have them.”

“Jesus. This was a mistake,” he utters, pinching the bridge of his nose, and then steps forward to the counter to order his coffee. “Black. No room for cream.”

My eyebrows meet in confusion. “Why don’t you just make your own coffee at home with an order like that? Did you know they have sprinkles here, man? Red ones. And whipped cream that they make from scratch. Why would you order a black coffee?”

“I don’t need to justify myself to you, Luke. Now go away.”

Of course, I don’t fucking listen. He’s not my mom. Instead, I follow him to the other side of the store and lean against the wall, watching him.

He pulls his phone out and pretends to fiddle with it, but I just stare at him steadily until he meets my gaze again. He groans loudly and then grabs his coffee from the counter.

He holds up two fingers as he walks outside, and I scramble after him, knocking into the garbage can as I go. “Fine. Two questions, and then I have to go back to work. You took up my entire break. I have patients waiting for me.”

“Cool, cool,” I say, lengthening my strides to keep up with him.

When we make it to his Tesla, he starts tapping his foot on the ground and glancing at his watch.

I run a finger over the smooth white paint on the roof of his car as he takes a slow sip of his coffee and glances at me warily.

“Why you lookin’ at me like that?” I ask.

“Just ask your questions. I have to go.”

“Fine. You told me you don’t have a dick,” I say, waving to his crotch. “Care to explain?”

“Not really, but since I’m pretty sure you won’t leave me alone until I do…” he sighs and then meets my eyes. “I’m transgender.”

My eyebrows hit my hairline as I let my gaze sweep over him. I did not see that coming. Not that I know what I’m looking for, but fuck. I had no clue.

“No kidding.”

“Of course, I’m not kidding.”

“So, you were born a….”