Page 120 of Emery

“Love you. Love you. Love you,” I chant.

August smiles against me. “Love you more.”




“Ihave some bad news,” I groan, fidgeting with the bottom of my shirt and refusing to meet August’s eyes. I don’t know how he puts up with me. I’m absolutely ridiculous.

“Is it the fact that you only brought one sleeping bag on our camping trip?” he asks with an arched brow.

“No, of course not. That was on purpose. I want to snuggle.”

August smiles softly at me. “Okay, then what is it? Lay it on me. I can take it.”

“The lube went into the poo-hole.”

“Em. It’s a porta-potty, not a poo-hole.”

“There is literally poo in a hole. There are mounds of it. I looked.”

August chuckles and then shakes his head. “How did you manage to lose the lube in there?”

“I didn’t mean…I was checking to make sure we had enough, and it just slipped from my fingers. Our trip is ruined.”

August is laughing now, but he doesn’t realize this is no laughing matter. I had plans, goddammit––very important plans with his ass.

“Well, it’s a good thing I brought backup. Just in case you managed something like this.”

“Oh, thank fuck. You are a dream. Where is it?”

I’m tugging open zippers and glancing everywhere almost frantically.

“I’m not telling you. If you get your hands on it, who knows what will happen to it?”

I gasp. “Rude.”

“Em, you’ve literally managed to misplace like ten lubes since we’ve been together. Five have ended up in very strange places.”

“The fridge was an accident. The toilet was, as well.”

August’s laugh grows louder, and he swipes at his eyes, pulling me toward him.

“Come here, you.”

He presses his mouth to mine, and I groan into him.

“How do you put up with me?”

“Em, there are so many good things about you, the weird shit doesn’t even matter. I’m just glad I have you in my life.”

“God, me too. Now seriously. Lube. Please.”

“Close your eyes first. I can’t give away my hiding spot.”

I do as he says, but totally peek when he’s not looking.