Page 109 of Emery

August runs his nose against mine and kisses me gently.

“Anything for you. You have to know that.”

I feel him slip out of me and I press his back against the bed.

“I know,” I say, wanting him to say three different little words to me instead.

But he doesn’t. He just presses his legs to his chest and opens himself up for me.

* * *

I lay against his chest and feel my eyelids grow heavy.

“Thank you,” I tell him, even though he’s already asleep. “You’re changing my life.”

He breathes steadily, his pulse thumping slowly under my ear. That perfect fucking heart.

“I love you,” I whisper. “I’ll always love you.”

I press a kiss to his skin. “Maybe one day you’ll feel the same.”



Things have been different since that night. He’s still the same Emery I’ve grown to adore, but these days, he’s almost shy. Yesterday he was going on and on about some phone game and then he suddenly stopped, and just stared at me and blushed. Or, this morning, when I poured him a bowl of cereal before I left for class, he just ran his hand along his mouth and whispered something I couldn’t make out.

I want to know what he’s saying.

I want to know everything about him.

I just want him.

“Mom,” I say with a confidence I don’t feel. “I’m bi and Emery is my boyfriend.”

I look at myself in my rearview mirror and sigh, trying again.

“Mom. I’m bi and I am fucking Emery.”

I shake my head.

“Mom, there is something I need to tell you. I am in love with Emery. Oh, and I’m bi. We fuck like rabbits.”

Goddamn why is this so hard?

One more time.

“Mom, I’m bi and Emery and I are together.”

I like that one the best. I can’t tell her I’m in love with Emery when I haven’t said that to him yet.

I need to. He needs to hear it.

He needs to know how I feel about him. I may have fallen more gradually than he did, but after that night, I know there is no going back. He’s mine.

My phone pings and I glance down at it, my heart beating faster when I see that it’s Emery.

Emery:When you home?