Page 105 of Emery

I don’t think this will end well.

Actually, I don’t think I can predict the ending to this.

* * *

“We fucking won!” Magnus whoops and jumps into Sem’s arms. Sem just tucks his husband into his chest and presses his face into Mag’s neck.

“Yeah, Maggie. I knew you would.”

Emery is leaning against me, rolling a Jolly Rancher around his tongue. He’s wearing my sweater, sans shirt because he couldn’t remember where he’d thrown it.

“Any particular prize you want from me when we get home?” he asks as he leans up and nips at my ear. “How about my tongue right up your ass again. Watching my boyfriend bend over all day made my dick hard.”

Before I can reply, Luke and Elliot step out from behind a large hay bale to our right.

All of our heads turn to where they stand side by side and we stare because Luke looks…flustered. And he doesn’t seem like the type to let anything bother him.

“Hey, man, you okay?” Emery blurts and Luke opens his mouth and then closes it.

“He just…he jacked me off behind a hay bale.”

All of us swivel to look at Elliot, who is pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing.

“No. I accidentally touched your dick. There were no wrist movements.”

Luke just gapes. “You reached on down and grabbed it, Eli. Admit it.”

“Like I said; it was an accident, Luke.”

“Nah, you did that on purpose. So, you could win. You sneaky fucker.”

“Just so you know, I enjoyed doing that about as much as an enema. So no, it was not on purpose. You shifted and my hand slipped.”

Luke glances down at his crotch and all of our eyes swivel down there.

“You have got to be kidding me? I barely touched you,” Elliot grumbles and then snaps, “Luke van Beek, go clean yourself up. Now.”

Luke’s eyes shoot up to meet Elliot’s.

“You ordering me, Eli?”

“I am. Go.”

Luke mutters something under his breath and then stalks away, one of his hands rubbing at the back of his neck as he moves toward the restrooms.

Everyone turns to stare at Elliot and then Sem holds out his fist.

Elliot stares at it. “And I’m supposed to do what with this?”

“Bump it,” Emery says and then shows him, bumping his fist with Sem’s.

“I’ll pass. I have to…I need to go.”

Elliot nods at each of us and then walks to where Luke disappeared.

“Well, that was not what I was expecting,” Magnus says. “When I said to showhimwho’s boss, I did not mean his dick.”

Emery nods his head and then says, “Hey, but if anyone could teach Luke who’s boss it’s that guy. He’s probably like some kind of dom in real life. He looks like one. All serious and shit. I bet he gets off on ordering people around. Like he probably said, ‘Luke on your knees,’ and Luke just obeyed.”